Leverage The Heavy

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9-10


In the midst of life's messiness, where challenges, difficulties, and weaknesses often seem to weigh us down, we find ourselves wondering how we can leverage our lives for the kingdom. The common misconception is that we must first have everything in order, achieve a level of maturity, or attain perfection before God can work through us. However, the stories in the scriptures reveal a different truth.

Exploring the life of Paul, one of the most influential followers of Jesus, we discover a man who faced immense hardships—beatings, shipwrecks, dangers from all sides. His life was a litany of struggles, yet he found a way to leverage it for the kingdom. In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul unveils the depth of his difficulties, revealing a thorn in his flesh, a persistent challenge that plagued him.

Paul's response to his heavy burden was not a plea for removal but a recognition of God's sufficiency in the midst of weakness. When Paul asked three times for relief, Jesus responded, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." It's a profound revelation that challenges our understanding of leveraging our lives for the kingdom.

Paul's approach to leveraging the heavy things in life offers a powerful roadmap. Firstly, he responded honestly with God, boasting in his weaknesses. In doing so, he allowed God into the messy places, acknowledging the need for divine presence in the darkness. Secondly, Paul responded honestly over time, recognizing that heavy things are not hurried things. Difficulties take time to process, heal, and grow through. Lastly, he responded honestly in community, recognizing the importance of sharing our burdens and comforting others with the comfort we receive from God.

This threefold approach—honesty with God, honesty over time, and honesty in community—creates a pathway for leveraging the heavy things in life. The process positions us to depend on God, where real power is found. While heavy things might make us feel weighed down, they can become the most impactful tools for leveraging our lives for the kingdom.

The tension lies in the difficulty of the journey, but embracing honesty with God, allowing time for growth, and fostering a supportive community produces peace, stability, and comfort. In leveraging the heavy, we discover that God's grace is not just sufficient; it is transformative, turning our weaknesses into opportunities for His power to shine through.


  • As you consider the threefold approach of honesty with God, honesty over time, and honesty in community, take a moment to reflect on a specific challenge or weakness you're currently facing.

  • How might applying these principles reshape your perspective on this situation, and what steps can you take to incorporate these principles into your journey of leveraging the heavy for the kingdom?


Gracious God, in the midst of life's complexities and challenges, we come before You with open hearts, acknowledging our weaknesses and struggles. Like Paul, help us to boast in our difficulties, finding solace in the truth that Your grace is more than sufficient for us. Guide us in the journey of leveraging the heavy, teaching us to respond with honesty to You, over time, and within the supportive embrace of a community that reflects Your compassion. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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Sufficient Grace


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