Just Dance


But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10 


"Daddy needs to rest a bit." As I gasped for air, drenched in sweat, I attempted to come to terms with my defeat. My daughter extended her hand to me with a grin draped across her face. She now held the title of "Just Dance" video game champion for our family. Even though I attempted to blame a malfunctioning Wii controller, the issue was obvious: I had two left feet.  

The hand motions. The spinning. The footwork. The clapping. It was all too complicated. I wanted so desperately to see my score rise, the stars to illuminate, and the screen to flash PERFECT over and over again. I tried my hardest to keep in step, but the beat alluded me. Instead of perfection or even SUPER, I lived in the land of MISS and GAME OVER. 

Nintendo made it abundantly clear that a dancing queen I am not. 

In life, we exhaust ourselves trying to get the high score and prove our worth, value and significance. We seek out approval and will do whatever it takes to experience it. We want to feel special and chosen. If we can't get approval, we will settle for cheap attention. Like the Lady Gaga song I butchered on the dance floor, we do indeed "live for the applause." 

The pressure to perform weighs us down. Keeping in rhythm to the standard of perfection wears us out. Culture reminds us how we don't measure up. Our insecurities always have us second-guessing ourselves. Searching for our worth in the things of this world is like the song that never ends. It lies just beyond our reach.

We need a new dance partner. 

Christ comes along and invites us to tango with His grace, love, and mercy. He tells us we're not only worthy but that we are His prized possession. The pressure is off. We are already approved, so we don't need to go searching for it anywhere else. 

If we allow Him to take the lead, and keep in step with Him, we get to experience the unforced rhythms of His grace.  


  • What keeps you from believing that you are God's special possession?

  • How could seeing yourself in this way influence the access you give Him in your life? 


God, when I feel unlovable, You remind me that I'm worth dying for. When I feel insignificant, You whisper that You have a plan and purpose for my life. When I search for approval, You invite me to rest in the security that I am fully known by You. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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