
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash." Matthew 7:24-27


This past year was up and down. Learning to live with anxiety was such a blessing, and that foundation that I was standing on seemed firm and confident not to beat me against the rocks, but as 2023 was approaching its end, I was beginning to feel a bit beat up. My husband (and I) were dealing with some health issues that certainly felt like rain, winds, and some days like a Cat 5 Hurricane - storms with no meteorologist telling me they were coming or how long they would last.

My anxiety battle took a back seat to the roller coaster ride of stress and relief, depending on the day. The crippling "what if" game often distracted me from declaring my dependence on God. What if the doctors do not know what is happening or how to resolve it? What if they are too late in fixing it? What if they are so busy they forget about us? What could happen?

After I finished the personal retreat, I found myself with thirteen potential words for 2024, speaking to how my anxious heart and mind were all over the place. November, December, and January had me feeling rocky and holding on for dear life. However, there were many quiet days at the end of the year when God continually brought me to my word - Foundation. 

The dictionary describes a foundation as a load-bearing part of a building. The support system will fall if the foundation is weak or fractured. Jesus tells us that if our foundation is on the rock (describing Himself), the rains would come, streams would rise, and winds would blow, but it would not fall. I read that slowly and recognized that He holds, supports, and picks us up, even when the rains come, streams rise, and winds howl. He doesn't always take away the difficulty we face but promises us that if He is our foundation, we won't crumble. 

If the foundation of a building falls, it crushes everything else. But with Jesus, we won't be crushed. We may get bruised, have fears, doubts, and maybe even some broken bones. Broken bones heal stronger than before; if we look to Him, we will always see where He makes us strong in our pain. We can watch God work to restore and strengthen our faith in these seasons. Even if the awaited outcome seems like the 100-year storm, if I trust that He has a purpose for my husband and myself, that foundation is trustworthy. I don't have to depend on any human but can entirely depend on Jesus - my Rock and Foundation. 


  • How is your faith shaken today, and how can you ask God to help you stand firm on His foundation?


Father, help me fully depend on you for everything. I know that You will carry me through the storm. May I recognize that You alone are the foundation of every aspect of my life because You are faithful and trustworthy. In Jesus Great name, Amen.

Cindy Stauffer, Administrative Assistant at our Wilmington Campus, wrote today's devotional.

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