A Maturing Faith
He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me. Colossians 1:28-29
What does it mean to present someone "fully mature in Christ"? It sounds like a big, intimidating task if you ask me - one that many of us may feel entirely inadequate and ill-prepared to accomplish.
There are places and spaces in our lives where we don't feel qualified, mature, or wise, so we say, "For the sake of the Kingdom, I'll step back and let someone else take this one." But what if we all step back? What if we all decide that we are not wise or mature? Who is then left to lead? A small few, if any.
Many times, we don't know where to begin or if we're up for the daunting challenge in the first place. So, we reason this call isn't for us but for those more "professional" Christians, the scholars, teachers, pastors, and counselors.
The Apostle Paul, who penned this letter, would say we'd be wrong in our assessment. The call to care for, love, invest, and encourage is one God gives you, me, and us collectively as a church community. When we say yes to Jesus, it's a responsibility we all carry. Our individual contribution matters to the whole.
In today's passage, Paul isn't calling us to be perfect; he challenges us to be mature. Theologian Eugene Peterson says, "To be mature is to be basic." Being basic in this sense means not overcomplicating and overthinking things. To be mature in Christ is to be in a life-giving relationship with Him, defined by dependency, trust, intimacy, and faith. It's not about how much you know, but Who you know and how that intimacy fuels faithful obedience. Maturity is displayed through an expanding heart driven by compassion and humility.
When we give of ourselves, we gain so much more in return. And thankfully, it is not a solo mission or a task you accomplish on your own - it is one we do TOGETHER. But it gets better.
The One you are living your life for is the One you have access to at all times and in every moment. That's where true wisdom resides. To live your life for someone else and not your own isn't an easy task. It goes against every ounce of selfish nature we possess, but it is how God calls us to live and there we find freedom, hope, and joy.
How is your maturing faith shaping your connections with others?
God, as I grow in faith, expand my heart for others. May my maturity become visible in compassionate relationships that point others to the hope that resides in You. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.