Delight in the Wilderness

1 O God, you are my God;

    I earnestly search for you.

My soul thirsts for you;

    my whole body longs for you

in this parched and weary land

    where there is no water.

2 I have seen you in your sanctuary

    and gazed upon your power and glory.

3 Your unfailing love is better than life itself;

    how I praise you!

4 I will praise you as long as I live,

    lifting up my hands to you in prayer.

5 You satisfy me more than the richest feast.

    I will praise you with songs of joy.

Psalm 63: 1-5


I’ve wanted a lot of things in my lifetime thus far. I want health and happiness for my loved ones. I want a vocation that fulfills me. I want authentic relationships with people that I deeply connect with. I want justice for those who have been wronged. I want freedom from temptation and strongholds. I want healing for myself and for others. I want to know the answers to my biggest questions. I have a lot of desires, and these are just some of the more honorable ones! 

I imagine you share some of these wants with me. After all, each is good in its own right and is usually worth the time we spend pursuing them. Often, I find myself thanking God for how he has blessed me in these areas. My relationships, work, passions, growth, and curiosity significantly contribute to what I delight in. When I am secure in my circumstances and feel fulfilled in my purpose, it’s much easier to delight in the Lord and the smaller gifts He’s given me.

Unfortunately, when our relationship with God depends on this foundation, our faith is shattered when it crumbles. I know because I’ve been there. Maybe this is where you’re at now. When grief, apathy, broken relationships, injustice, strongholds, or suffering enters the picture, it can be hard to feel close to God, let alone find delight in Him. Whether we worship God for the good things in our lives alone or blame Him when it all goes wrong, we fall into the same trap of putting our faith in what He does (or doesn’t do) for us rather than in the person of God Himself.

Today’s passage is from a Psalm that David wrote when he was in the wilderness of Judah. During this time, he was utterly alone in a bleak and unforgiving land where he experienced mental and physical suffering. Yet, in his lack and need, David expressed his longing for the Lord and praised Him with songs of joy. He found satisfaction in God’s love, power, and glory rather than in life itself! 

Now, it would be incorrect to say that David only ever felt this satisfaction. The thirst that he describes is hardly ever comfortable, and we see him cry out for God to ease his suffering many times throughout his Psalms. However, David does this by returning to communion with God, which allows him to know His heart and dwell in His love even in the face of heartache. 

Whether your wants are fulfilled, or you find yourself enduring a wilderness of your own, I encourage you to return to the personhood of God. You may not find your satisfaction immediately, and it may require that you lay down your need for understanding, but like David, you can declare your dependence on the One who loves us and practice delighting in who He is. He is a loving, just, gracious, present, and good God.


  • How does the fulfillment of your desires, or lack thereof, impact your relationship with God?

  • Spend some time in prayer by asking God to reveal His character to you, and wait. This silence can feel awkward, but listening is necessary for communion with Him. What do you notice? Do any words or images come to mind? If you feel uncomfortable, remember He welcomes you as you are, so show up authentically.

  • What could it look like for you to delight in knowing who God is today? 


Father, we rest today in knowing who You are. You are the same God in our rejoicing and anguish; we praise You for it! Thank you for allowing us to gaze upon You and know Your goodness in the midst of our aching and our thirst. Thank you for the grace You extend to us when we let our circumstances dictate our faith in You and for always waiting patiently for our return to the relationship. Give us eyes to see You in new ways and ears to hear You in the quietest whispers of the Spirit. May we delight in knowing You today. Amen.

Katie Melton, Care Coordinator at our Wilmington Campus, wrote today's devotional.

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