Not Ashamed

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile. Romans 1:16 NLT 

Further reading: 2 Samuel 6:14-22 


I’ll be honest: At times, I feel embarrassed to be a Christian. On more than one occasion, I have downplayed my faith to avoid being seen as “uncool” or “unintellectual.” Being a Jesus follower doesn’t always give you street cred, especially as a young person. I have had countless peers presume I am unacademic, purely because I believe in God. How could an educated person come to such a ridiculous conclusion? 

People often stereotype me and assume that I am legalistic and harshly judgmental. This assumption is rooted in their past hurt at the hands of sinners (like me) who have misrepresented the character of Jesus. It’s not their fault for assuming I am “just another Christian” who preaches love while simultaneously spewing hate. We are all guilty of contributing to the negative reputation Christianity has in today’s world. We’ve all played a part. Thankfully, our sins are not big enough to get in the way of God’s plan of redemption for the world. 

The way I am viewed because of my allegiance to Christ often makes me defensive. My knee-jerk reaction is to qualify my status as a Jesus follower. I say, “Yes! I am a Christian. But I’m not like ‘those’ Christians…” I have to humble myself: I, too, possess the capacity to make Christianity seem unattractive and untenable to those around me. I am not “doing Christianity the right way.” Only One Person (Jesus) has ever lived out their faith perfectly. 

In Romans, Paul reminds us to be proud of the Name we profess. Yes, the church is broken. Yes, the people in the church (including us) continue to make grave mistakes that hurt and even traumatize others. Yes, it sucks to be associated with the countless missteps the church has taken over the course of history. However, we have to boldly live out our faith without shame. We can take pride in Who God is and what He has done, even when we feel embarrassed about how the church has conducted itself. Our faith is rooted in the goodness of God, not the goodness of broken people who try their best to represent Him. 

Delighting in God means praising Him outwardly. We have to allow our reputation to be tied to His (and His people), even when we get judged for doing so. Our reputation is far less important than our devotion to Him and to our brothers and sisters. 

We cannot conceal the joy that He grants us. Others deserve to encounter it, too! We have to share our faith with those around us, even when it makes us look “uncool.” This is not to say we should push our faith onto others or force conversations that make them pull away. However, we have a responsibility to live in love and own our identity as apprentices of the Lord Jesus. 

People will make assumptions about us because of our religious affiliation—but ultimately, we have a responsibility to proudly boast about what He has done. Jesus was not ashamed of us. We cannot live ashamed of Him. He deserves our praise and devotion, even when it costs us. 


  • Do you ever find yourself undermining your faith to protect your reputation? 

  • How can you boast in Who God is, without fearing how it may affect how others perceive you? 


Abba, You are worthy of my devotion. You are worthy of all my praise, even when it makes me look silly to others. People outside of the church will judge me when I decide to enter into Your family and make it known that You are my King. Remind me that their assumptions are not my primary concern. Help me to stay faithful to You, even when it makes me uncomfortable in my social spheres. Lord, help me to forgive those in the church, including myself, who have contributed to the negative stereotypes that surround Christianity. Humble me and remind me that I misrepresent You just as much as anyone else in the church body. Remind me that my identity is ultimately in You, not in the “righteousness” of the church at large. Let me be proud of my allegiance to You, even when it ties my reputation to the reputation of all those You’ve chosen to follow You. Amen.

Port City writer Kate Redenbaugh wrote today’s devotional.

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