
You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11 ESV 


In the Bible, God is referred to over and over again as our Heavenly Father. Like any good dad, God gives us guidelines that protect us and foster our growth. Though, God’s commands often rub up against our short-term desires. As a result, we view God as a kill-joy. Like teenagers who have yet to grasp why their parents “boss them around,” we turn our noses up at God’s instructions. We think God is trying to restrict us and make our lives less “fun.” We view Him as a strict parent who “lays down the law” just to control and manipulate us. So, we choose our own way—and reap the consequences. 

At one point or other, we’ve all bought into the lie that God is a buzzkill. We wrongly believe that living a life of faith means we have to submit to a laundry list of rules that only serve to suck the joy out of life. There is a pervasive cultural narrative that in order to be a “good Christian,” you have to live a life devoid of pleasure. But this couldn’t be further from the Truth. Living in submission to God’s law of love unlocks a world of delight. The life He offers us is abundant and full of bliss (John 10:10). He freely and joyfully gave us His own Son; this stands as proof that He does not withhold any good thing from us (Romans 8:32)! 

Following Jesus often requires us to deny ourselves. As we surrender to Him, it can feel as though we’re sentencing ourselves to a life of boredom, constraint, and discomfort. However, we can be confident that living God’s way leads to bountiful and enduring joy. When He asks us to surrender something, we can trust that He is planning to provide us with something far better. God doesn’t steal our joy; He compounds it. He substitutes our cheap, short-lived pleasure with eternal contentment. 

When we deny ourselves, we proclaim to the world that God’s definition of joy is the correct one. We acknowledge that living on His terms is the best way to live. The truth is that worldly things promise us long-term gratification, only to deliver fleeting pleasure. But when we submit to His “rules,” as senseless as they may seem, we find true satisfaction. 


  • Do you feel like God is trying to steal your joy? Why or why not? 

  • Might He be trying to offer you something better than what He’s asking you to surrender? 


Father, You don’t give me commands that diminish my joy. You love me, and You want the best for me. Your guidance is meant to lead me into a life that is abundant, others-focused, and full of love. Help me to surrender to Your way and trust that my joy will multiply. Remind me that denying myself doesn’t mean opting for a pleasureless life. Denying myself means I acknowledge that You know better than I dothat Your will is higher than mine. Help me to submit to You in all my ways today, so that I might honor You and be a blessing to others. Amen.

Port City writer Kate Redenbaugh wrote today’s devotional.

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