A Hand To Guide
"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5:48
Be perfect, whew, no pressure, right? My initial reaction to this verse is a combination of frustration and defeat. No one is perfect; I can't live up to that! But the last part helps bring it into perspective for me. It isn't my works, it's Christ working in me. If I keep my eyes set on Him and trust His work in my heart, then my perfection is not found in my efforts but His fullness.
As I was reading these verses a few weeks ago as Mike started this series, an image came to mind that we see all the time in our house. Our youngest, Berkley, is just learning to walk. We've been saying for a few weeks that any day now, she is just going to take off, and maybe because she is our last, a little part of me is okay with the process taking longer than we first expected. Her older sister loves to hold her hand and help her walk along. Each time she gets so excited for Berkley that she jumps and cheers, "She did it guys, she's walking!" We clap and cheer along with her, although we know she isn't REALLY walking just yet. Berkley can walk, but only when she is holding on to someone else.
This image helped me understand what it looks like to be perfect as my heavenly Father is perfect. It isn't REALLY about me. My role is holding onto Him and staying connected. He does the work when I align my heart to His. Our minds view the word perfection and think efficiency, excellence, superiority, or maybe even faultless. But I believe God views it as fullness. Perfection isn't found in getting everything right; it resides in Christ. His promise is not to make life easy and help us get rich so we can live comfortably. His promise is redemption. All the things our hearts are longing for that we think a better job, or a nicer house, or better-behaved kids will fill are never going to be enough. God tells us to come to Him, and in Him, we find fullness.
Berkley cannot walk without a hand to guide her, and we cannot find the perfection we long for when we are fighting to do it all on our own and expecting it to be found in the checkboxes of success that the world offers. We have to shift our gaze up so that our hearts can be awakened to the fullness only God provides.
Where do you find yourself crushed underneath the weight of trying to do everything perfectly?
What makes you resistant to rely on God and His strength?
God, thank you for Jesus. Thank you for being the perfecter of all things and for loving me where I am. Help me keep my eyes on You to see and experience the fullness that only You provide. Lord, I know this world will only offer temporary band aids for the longings in my heart, and I know that You are the One I was created for. Thank you for giving Yourself completely for an imperfect me. I pray for my heart to be awakened again to the deep love You have from me and to experience the fullness you have made available. Amen.
Katie Robinson, Port City’s Children’s Ministry Home Coordinator, wrote today’s devotional.