Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Telling Lies

We all struggle with making excuses at times, don't we? Excuses for avoiding things that are good for us, like exercising. Or excuses for overlooking important responsibilities like calling a loved one on their birthday. Nowhere do the excuses seem to come more easily than when it comes to serving at church. "I don't really have any talents to offer." "They've got it covered without me." "My schedule is just too crazy right now." These thoughts have likely run through all of our minds at one point or another. And while they seem perfectly reasonable in the moment, they don't hold up under scrutiny.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

I Can’t, But We Can

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by life's challenges and complexities, but the beauty of being part of a community lies in the collective power we possess when we unite our hearts and hands. The mission of reaching people and helping them walk with God is not a solitary endeavor but a shared responsibility that requires the efforts of the entire body of Christ.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Upside Down

In a world obsessed with status and self-promotion, Jesus redefines greatness as servanthood and giving your life away. Everywhere Jesus went, crowds swarmed him - the famous rabbi and miracle worker. People wanted a piece of him, to be seen with him, to bask in his presence. But Jesus saw right through all the celebrity hype. His life was never about being served, but about serving others.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Always Room

Imagine a big dinner table with lots of chairs and all kinds of delicious food. People laugh and catch up. As conversations break out in the background, the smell of the food makes you want to come and join. This is what true community should look like - a place where everyone is welcome, where there's always room for more, and where all people are celebrated and embraced, no matter their differences. In a world that often separates and divides people, we are called to create spaces where love, understanding, and grace can grow.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Love One Another

Jesus unveiled the mark by which his followers would be known - a radical, sacrificial love for one another. It would not be their knowledge, their morality, or their works that would set them apart. No, they would be identified by their genuine, others-oriented care and compassion. This is the way of Jesus. Love is not merely an emotion or feeling. It is an action - a willingness to give ourselves away for the good of another. When we love, we put the needs of others before our own. We consider their perspective, feel their hurts, and look for ways to tangibly support them, even at great personal cost.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Exchanged, Experienced & Expressed

Our shared identity as a community comes with a profound responsibility to care for, uplift, and support one another. Christ-centered community is where God’s love is exchanged, experienced, and expressed. This new type of community demands intentional nurturing and cultivation. Our actions, or inactions, have consequences that extend beyond ourselves, impacting the fabric of our community and even beyond its boundaries.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

The Source of Our Connections

God's love through Christ is the great equalizer. It reminds each of us that we are all broken people in need of a Savior. This is our common humanity underneath all the external things that tend to divide us. And because of God's love, we can strip off pretenses and insecurities. We don't have to posture or impress. We can simply belong and find freedom to become who we were created to be.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Moving Toward Others

Jesus calls us not just to Himself, but to each other. In our divided world, that is pretty revolutionary if you think about it. God wants us moving toward others, growing in love, and reflecting His image together. As parts of Christ's body, we reflect the integrity of His image and influence of His love. The church is designed by God to be the conduit through which His love is experienced and expressed among us. It's in that community that we find our common identity and foundation for how we relate to one another.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Help Needed

Close your eyes and picture someone running a marathon. What do you see? Is it just one person out there on the course by themselves? Or do you envision a mass of runners, spectators cheering them on, and even pace teams to help them maintain their speed? Walking with Christ is a lot like running a marathon. It's grueling, it takes endurance, and it's almost impossible to do it all alone. We need encouragement, accountability, and support from fellow believers to keep putting one foot in front of the other on the path of faith.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Down in the Soil

Nothing beats biting into a perfectly ripe peach or strawberry on a scorching summer day. A sweet burst of flavor cools you from the inside out. Savoring fruit at its peak is one of life's simple pleasures - a reminder that the best things come from what's been patiently nurtured. The fruit we enjoy is an outward expression of what was happening unseen down in the roots and soil.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Made Available

Have you ever stopped to think that God is present in every single aspect of our lives? From the major decisions that alter the course of our journey, to the little mundane routines of each day - it all holds significance in His Kingdom. When we take a moment to pay closer attention, we realize that living out our faith isn't confined to these grand, dramatic gestures. It's about a thousand tiny choices and actions - how we treat our neighbors, the patience we muster, the kindness we extend. We all struggle with our faith journey at times and need support in remaining faithful. We've been rescued by grace, and now we're learning how to live this new life with God.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

First Steps

Imagine the first steps of a child. They are a delicate dance between uncertainty and determination, a beautiful display of vulnerable courage. Each movement is tentative and unsteady, like a fledgling bird testing its wings. The child's hands grip tightly onto their parents' fingers, small yet full of trust. There's a profound connection in this touch—a silent display of reassurance, safety, and faith. The child isn’t walking to prove anything to themselves or for the applause of others. They simply trust that their parents are there, providing the support and stability needed for this new adventure. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Recover Your Life

These words of Jesus really hit home for many of us. In our fast-paced, achievement-oriented world, feeling worn-out is something we can all relate to. Our hectic search for meaning and purpose on our own terms always leaves us empty, wanting more. We strive, we push ourselves, we hustle, and often, we end up feeling weary, disconnected, and disillusioned. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

As They Went

Oftentimes, we stay stagnant in faith, even when God is urging us to move forward. We tell God we “want” to obey Him—but we want to obey Him on our terms, which isn’t true obedience at all. Due to paralyzing fear or simple stubbornness, we stand our ground. We refuse to move an inch. We try to make an “if, then” deal with God: if He makes it easier or more convenient for us to obey Him, then we will. 

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Warren King Warren King

Under The Weight

At one point or another, we’ve wrestled with the questions of “Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose?.” We all want our life to count. We all desire to make a difference and leave our mark on this world. Yet, the pressure to find “our thing” can overwhelm us…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Without Faith

I remember sitting on a beach one evening, staring out at the vast, unending horizon. The sky was painted in shades of pink and orange as the waves made their way to the shore. At that moment, I felt a nudge deep in my soul—a sense that God was asking me to take a step, to move in a direction that scared me. I knew it was Him, yet my heart wrestled with fear and uncertainty.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Bringing Nourishment

Trees have roots that dig deep, drawing nourishment and stability. They have branches that stretch out, bearing leaves, flowers, and eventually, fruit. This fruit isn't just for the tree itself; it provides nourishment and beauty to everything around it. What if we saw our daily lives in the same way?

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Don’t Give Up

There are moments when the weight of our struggles feels unbearable, and we’re ready to throw in the towel. But before we give in to the temptation to quit, let’s pause and consider: Could this be an area where God is calling us to persevere?

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

You Have Searched

When was the last time you truly felt known? Like someone saw into the deepest parts of you and said, "You matter"? For many of us, it’s a rare and precious feeling. We crave that deep connection, but often we feel isolated, misunderstood, and distant—not just from others, but from God.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Without Gas

Have you ever tried to start a car that won't budge? The engine is there, and the keys are in the ignition, but without gas, it’s just not going anywhere. That's how James describes faith without action—it's like a car without fuel. It might look good on the outside, but it’s not fulfilling its purpose.

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