#2: The Practice of NOT DEMANDING (Humility)

We know demanding people, but we are not one of them, or so we think. Yet, subtly demanding our way is part of human nature; it's in all of us. We arrange our circumstances, plead our case, and hedge our bets with the sole focus of getting what we want when we want it. If we stop, say no to demanding, and consider our requests, what we find buried deep below is a mountain of expectations filled with lists of what we think should happen. As we pause and explore more in-depth, we locate the place where we've achieved our way by force or more subtle means of manipulation—using guilt or an economy of scales to justify why we deserve what we received, sometimes even using God to get our way. We also encounter the appeal to indulge. We enjoy taking a break from caring or feeling responsible about the world around us and the people in it. This practice frees us from having to place our needs and ways at the center of the universe, creating space to arrange our lives to serve others and work for their wellbeing. Participating in this practice stings because we realize things we'd rather keep in the dark. But, through exposing our demands, we find ourselves laid bare before God and are met with His love and grace. We find humility not because we are trying to be humble, but because we are saying no to our demands and giving up the need to be in the center.


#1: Contentment


#3: Empathy