We’re So Excited That Your Child Is Interested In Being Baptized!
Does your child have questions about how to begin a relationship with Jesus? Is your child asking about being baptized? We are here to walk with you as you help your child navigate the most important decision they will ever make: the decision to follow Christ!
As parents, your highest calling is to lead your children in a life of faith at home. We want to partner with you every step of the way and make it simple and easy to take your next steps!
To reach out to your campus coordinator, click on your campus button below:
Thank you for taking your first step toward baptism in Treasure Island!
Your campus coordinator will follow-up with you about your next steps. In the meantime, please feel free to watch the videos below as you prepare for this exciting time in your child’s faith journey!
We’ve created this video to help equip you to have conversations with your child about salvation and baptism. In the video, you’ll learn about what it means to be saved, why we get baptized and how to know if your child is ready to take this important step in their faith.
We’ve created this video to help your child understand what it means to be saved and why we get baptized. It is made especially for elementary-aged kids and is designed to help them understand these most important concepts in a way that is fun and engaging. Who says you can’t laugh and learn about salvation in the same video? In Treasure Island you can!
Click here to find out more about how to help you and your child prepare for the big day
Going through this process with families is one of our greatest joys and we are honored to partner with you in this exciting next step of faith. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Treasure Island staff at your campus.