The Day Everything Changed


Dear Parent,

         When we hear the word cancer, many different emotions may come to mind. Fear is one of the first that comes to my mind. Fear of what may happen, fear of what may be lost, and even fear of the inevitable change that lies ahead.

         Cancer has affected many families and while modern medicine has come a long way, there is still so much unknown. With the unknown there is space for all the ‘what if’ questions to take root and for our imaginations to run wild with the endless possibilities. I believe this is a reality we all find ourselves in at some point in our lives; standing at a starting line we do not want to approach and beginning an unknown journey in a direction that we have no control over.

         Maybe you feel anger or maybe it’s sadness. I don’t want to pretend to know how everyone feels, but I do want to point towards hope. Not hope that everything will work out; not even hope that God “uses” all the hard parts. But hope that God sees you, He loves you, and in His limitless mercy He is making all things new.

        This book is composed of fictional characters and the storyline is just that, a fictional narrative. It is a story of kids and adults all processing the journey of cancer in their own way. As we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and honest, I pray that our children will feel the freedom to do the same. My hope is not to provide a how-to guide on processing a loved one’s cancer diagnosis, but instead, to drop into a story of what it could look like for followers of Jesus to find peace and hope during something hard. You will find that often the thought patterns repeat themselves, the conversations are not concluded, and ultimately, there aren’t clear answers. Each moment is simply another drop in the bucket of processing who God is and how we see Him, and it takes a lifetime to fill the bucket.

There is no one way to walk through something like cancer, but there is always an opportunity to enter together into the process. Together, you and your children need one another, and you need community. I pray that you would turn to your local church along with other loved ones, allowing His body to help you in the days and months ahead.

You can read this book together with your child or you can each read it individually. You can also look below to see questions for you, as the parent, and tips on how you can go a little deeper with your kids. Every few chapters, I would encourage you to process through what you are hearing from God both individually AND together. I would encourage you to enter in and trust God. He is with you in this season, and there is peace available. He desires to provide comfort and hope, not to beat this and move on, but to truly feel and experience life with Him.


A friend in Him,



Chapters 1-2


  • What do you tend to do when something is worrying you?

  • Who is consistently praying for you?

  • If you are not part of a life group or church small group, how are you or could you seek Christian community?


  • Make a prayer chain of request for a specific season. Tear off request as they are answered. This will visually help kid(s), and yourself, see the ways God is working despite the hard season.

    • Begin by cutting slips of paper into 1” by 5”-6” strips.

    • As a family share specific request.

    • Connect strips into circles and link together.

    • Hang somewhere everyone can see.

  • Read the following verses and pray through them:

    • “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

    • “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

Chapters 3-4


  • How do you balance sharing hard things with others, or even your kid(s), while also protecting them? Are there ways you could be more vulnerable and invite others in?

  • How do you combat the ‘What If” questions when they come?


  • Read the following verse together:

    • “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

  • Why is it that Paul encourages us to pray?

  • Have you ever experienced prayer helping combat worry in your life?

    • If prayer is not a regular part of your life, try writing your prayers down so that you can look back and see how God has moved.



Chapters 5-6


  • What are you currently most worried about?

    • Are there ways you could choose to be brave in the face of those things?

  • How have your kid(s) seen you be brave? Are there ways you could show them more?


  • As a family, write on sips of paper things that you each worry about. These can be big or small things.

    • Put each slip of paper into a bucket.

    • Pull one out each morning at breakfast. Allow family members to share more if they want and pray aloud. Ask God to help the person be brave and have peace in the circumstance that was shared.


Chapters 7-8


  • Is it hard or easy for you to accept help from others? Why or why not?

  • When facing something hard, do you have a favorite verse or word you tend to cling to?

    • If not, take some time to pick one.


  • Read the following verse together:

    • “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

  • Think back to something scary or hard you’ve experienced as a family.

    • Talk through the experience and have each person share a high and low from their point of view.


Chapters 9-10


  • How do you typically share hard news with loved ones? What are the benefits of being authentic?

  • If you or a loved one has faced a diagnosis of some kind, what different emotions have you felt throughout the process?

    • Who have you shared those emotions with?


  • Walking through a diagnosis is often full of ups and downs. Moments when things feel better than expected, and moments when the disappointments seem to pile up.

    • Grab a favorite snack and think back over your lifetime. Share some ups and downs together as a family.

    • Try to see and point out the hope in each situation despite the hard.


Chapters 11-12


  • What are the moments along the way in the midst of the hard that you can celebrate or intentionally make fun?

  • If you physically can’t do things with your kid(s), is there a loved one that could intentionally carve out one-on-one time to be with them?


  • Read the following verse:

    • “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

      • Find something FUN to do together, or to plan for your kid(s). You can surprise them, or invite them into the conversation and decide together!


Chapters 13-14


  • How have you experienced your own highs and lows as you’ve walked through hard seasons?

  • What does it look like to validate your kid(s) in this season?

  • Have you, or a loved one, had to step down from work in a tough season?

    • If there is financial strain from that, who are you processing that with?

    • Do you have people that can financially help if that is a strain? How could your local church help?


  • What are ways that you can bring scripture into your home regularly?

    • Some people feel pressure to know all the answers or have a great theological message prepared, but there are tons of ways to start small.

    • Pick one of the idea’s below to start this week.

      • Read a chapter from the Bible together one night. (Psalm 1, Luke 2, or 1 Corinthians 13 are great ones to start with.)

      • Listen to worship music in the mornings.

      • Choose a verse to memorize this week. (John 14:27, Philippians 4:6 or Psalm 46:10 are great ones to start with.)

      • Pray together before bed.


Chapters 15-16


  • Your own trust and stability helps your kid(s) feel stability. In what ways are your responses modeling trust?

  • How do you as a parent express and process your emotions? Do you exercise, read, draw, get together with friends, etc?


  • Read the following verse together:

    • “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

      • Talk about ways you may feel weary and why you come to Him or how it is hard to remember to come to Him.


Chapters 17-18


  • Whether you are facing an illness or just a stressful season, what does it look like to trust God?

  • What parts of what Mr. Rob said in chapter 18 resonated with you?


  • What are ways you could have surrender moments (reminders to declare your trust in God) throughout the day? How could you do this as a family?

  • Have everyone in your family pick a meaningful Bible verse and share them with one another. Write the verses somewhere visible and use them to redirect your thoughts, as well as your kid(s) thoughts when they are having a rough day.


Chapters 19-20


  • How often do you gaze upon the beauty of the Lord? When throughout your life have you seen His beauty?

  • Do you believe it’s possible to trust God without having all the answers of the future? Why or why not?

    • What do you have the the hardest time trusting God with?


  • Read the following excerpts from Psalm 27 together:

    • “I’m asking the Lord for only one thing. Here is what I want. I want to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. I want to look at the beauty of the Lord. I want to worship him in his temple. When I’m in trouble, he will keep me safe in his house. He will hide me in the safety of his holy tent. He will put me on a rock that is very high.

      Here is something I am still sure of. I will see the Lord’s goodness while I’m still alive. Wait for the Lord. Be strong and don’t lose hope. Wait for the Lord.”

      • Set out strips of paper and invite the whole family to share and write out different moments throughout the week when they see His beauty.


Chapters 21-22


  • Are there special ways you could help your kid(s) connect with you or a loved one in this season that looks different than it used to?

  • How are you feeling about what lies ahead? What are next steps for you as you are processing this? Examples could be connecting with a local church, being vulnerable with a trusted friend, beginning counseling, etc.


  • Pick a word as a family to mark this season with. Use one from the list below or pick your own. Make a sign with this word and put it somewhere in your home that you can all see.

    • Peace, hope, strength, joy, beauty, good, brave, etc.