A weekly gathering of high school students every Sunday at 6:00 PM at the Wilmington Campus
New at Ripple?
New at Ripple?
Ripple Effect is a space for you to belong! We are a gathering of high school students that happens on Sunday nights. The doors open at 6:00, and the night starts at 6:30. If you are a new student, you can head to the New Student table when you get there and we will make sure you leave with some friends.
On a typical night, we go to Community Groups at 6:30 where we share a meal together and spend time building community with people in our grade. After that, we head to Studio 3 where we worship together and are encouraged in our faith. Once we spend time all together, we’ve got to unpack what we heard! That’s why we head to small groups - a group of 5-15 other students - where we talk about life together and ask big questions about faith.
It’s a busy night! But we promise you won’t want to miss it. The community at Ripple Effect is lively, welcoming, and made up of all sorts of different students. We would love to help you take a step toward getting connected. Click the button below to take your next step!

Wanna learn how you can participate in new ways?

We love our volunteers! If you are interested in jumping in with us, fill out the volunteer interest form and you will hear from us soon. If you already volunteer with us, you can find helpful resources, small group material, and more through the button below.