Join us by downloading a copy of the Personal Retreat.

This year, we are inviting our church to participate in the Personal Retreat Experience.

The Personal Retreat is designed to help you thoughtfully reflect on 2024 and to turn the page and look ahead to what God is calling you to in 2025.

The Personal Retreat is made up of 10 sections. Our church will use the Personal Retreat as a ten-day devotional experience starting December 27th. Collectively, we will take on one section each day, with our staff sharing their perspectives and insights on social media. 

The Retreat will take us through the last 5 days of this year and the first 5 days of the New Year ending on Epiphany Sunday (our first Sunday gathering of the year).

You can follow along with us, one section a day for ten days, or you can use the guide to complete the Personal Retreat at your own pace.

We hope this is something that you can encourage your family, friends, and your group to participate in. We believe this experience will be impactful in your walk to finish this year well and to start this next year strong!