Overflow Community Groups

A place to belong, be known and be encouraged!

  • Groups are a way for us to break into a smaller intentional community where we can do life together with our peers as we grow in our relationship with God! We have groups that meet together every week that are based on age and gender. During group time, we share about our lives, process truth together, and pray together. We believe that Community Groups are where friends become family!

  • Our Community Groups meet every Thursday at 7pm during the school year at Port City Church. You can join us at the Overflow tent on the Port City Patio, where we can show you where your group is meeting for the night. Groups last until about ~9pm.

  • Yay! Welcome to community groups! Our team will be on the Patio at Port City Community Church starting at 7pm on Thursdays. Come find us at the blue tent and we will get you plugged into a group and introduce you to your group leader!

Sign up to join a group!