Equipping & Growth

One of the primary roles of the missions staff at PC3 is to "equip the saints for the work of service" as found & expounded upon in Ephesians 4:12-16. Our heart is discipleship, and here are a few ways you can grow in your walk with Jesus.



Fall 2020
Perspectives On the World Christian Movement

Perspectives is a class that our global field partners and many other people take in order to understand God's redemptive plan for the world through global discipleship. The class is a 15 week study through the Word with testimonies from missionaries and other field partners around the world. The course costs $280 with college credit applying for additional fees. At PC3, we offer 50% scholarships for those participating in Encounter Trips. Email evans.baggs@portcitychurch.org for more information or checkout the Wilmington class website.


Christian Alliance for Orphans - CAFO2020 Summit:
May 6 - 8, 2020

This year we are planning to send a group from PC3 to attend the CAFO 2020 Summit in Dallas,TX. The Summit is a community of kindred hearts gathering from across America and around the world. Parents and pastors, experts and organizations, leaders and servants. Each eager both to share and to receive — expertise and encouragement, resources and friendship. All passionate to see children thrive in adoption, foster care and effective service to the vulnerable worldwide. Visit cafo.org/summit for more details and contact us if you are interested in attending with our group!


Recommended Reading

Many of our thoughts, ideas and strategies have come from reading Jesus focused books and learning from the research of gifted people. Here are just a few that we would recommend to you.
·       The Simplest Way to Change the World: Wills & Clements - Small Group Component
·       Life on Mission: Willis & Coe - Small Group Component
·       When Helping Hurts: Fikkert - Small Group Component
·       Don’t Waste Your Life: Piper
·       Radical: Platt
·       Insanity of God: Ripken
·       Through the Gates of Splendor: Elliot
·       My Utmost for His Highest: Chambers
·       Spiritual Leadership: Sanders
·       Hope Rising: Greer
·       Operationworld.org
·       Joshuaproject.net