The Port City Internship


We are so excited that you are wanting to learn more about the Port City Internship Program! As a church, we believe that interns are an essential part of our ministry activity and who we are becoming! Serving as an intern is an opportunity for you as college students to SERVE our church together, to GROW as followers of Jesus together, and to LEAD others as you develop as leaders together! We are looking for students currently attending college (specifically juniors and seniors) who are highly motivated, hard-working, and spiritually hungry.

The Port City Internship Program exists to develop and empower the next generation of college-aged leaders to become representatives and builders of God's kingdom by leading them to serve, grow, and lead together.

As a part of the program this year, there will be a unified and collective approach across all intern teams for discipleship and leadership development. This will include seven 2-hour intensives throughout the year. These intensives will be from 4-6pm one Thursday per month, Through the intensives and team development times, interns will be assigned four books to read throughout the year, as well as preparation and follow-up homework! All applicants should be ready for an in-depth development track that will require you to be a diligent student of God's design, way of leadership, and personal discipleship. 

The Application Process! 

The application is extensive because we are committed to finding the right people to be on our intern team! As you go through the application, you will find that it is split into three primary parts. The first section is some general information about who you are, the second is all about how you are wired, what you are looking for in applying for an internship, and a lot of super fun questions! The final section is where you can choose to apply for a specific team and role; this part of the application is not required but recommended!

Our staff is committed to making the best decision possible about what we feel each applicant's next step is! We like to be upfront and say that you are not guaranteed to interview with the team or for the role that you list as your preference! We place each person based on where we see them being the best fit!

After you submit your application, we will contact you to let you know if you have been selected for an interview! If we do not feel an internship is your next step, we will still reach out and help you find your best next step!! We will contact every applicant by March 26th!

Learn about all of the different intern teams and roles we have this year! Learn about all of the different intern teams and roles we have this year! Learn about all of the different intern teams and roles we have this year!

Learn about all of the different intern teams and roles we have this year! Learn about all of the different intern teams and roles we have this year! Learn about all of the different intern teams and roles we have this year!

Children’s Ministry Internship

The ideal candidate for the Children’s Ministry internship is outgoing, responsible, and enjoys working with children. They are confident in interacting with new people and making them feel welcome and comfortable. They are able to take direction and are eager to learn and grow as they develop their skills and learn new ones while representing Children’s Ministry.

Intern Roles:

Social Media Intern 

The job of the Children’s Ministry Social Media intern is to assist in planning and executing an engaging social media page for the Port City Kids Instagram and Facebook accounts. They will be responsible for capturing the story of Port City Kids both on Sundays and at Children’s ministry events throughout the year, while honoring the Port City Kids safety protocol and Photo Release procedures. This person will have the opportunity to work alongside not only Children’s Ministry Staff but also the Creative Team to gain valuable knowledge and experience as they tell the story of Port City Kids!

Grow Zone Intern

The Grow Zone Intern will serve as a liaison between staff and volunteers on Sunday in the preschool ministry environment at Port City! They will work with the Grow Zone Team to learn the entire spectrum of the preschool ministry at Port City Church to assist with curriculum, leading volunteers, maintaining the environment, and caring for families as we work together to reach kids and come alongside families to help them walk with God!

Treasure Island Intern

The Treasure Island Intern will serve as a liaison between staff and volunteers on Sunday in the elementary ministry environment at Port City! They will work with the Treasure Island Team to learn the entire spectrum of the elementary ministry at Port City Church to assist with curriculum, leading volunteers, maintaining the environment, and caring for families as we work together to reach kids and come alongside families to help them walk with God!

TI Large Group Content Intern

The Children’s Ministry Large Group Content intern will assist with the Treasure Island Large Group content creation and environments. They will work with the Treasure Island team to help develop engaging large group games, worship, and teaching materials for elementary aged kids. They will help plan and implement these elements, as well as teach volunteers how to properly execute the programming.

Weekly Intern Hours: 

Sunday 7:30am-12:30pm

Monday 10am- 1:00pm

Tsunami (Middle School Ministry)

The ideal candidate for a Student Ministry intern is someone who is outgoing and responsible and loves to work collaboratively with others. A student ministry intern will have the opportunity to work alongside an energetic staff team to create environments for middle school students to connect with each other and their leaders while also being challenged to grow in their relationships with Jesus. The ideal intern will be able to take direction and be excited to learn and try new things while growing in their interpersonal skills and in their relationship with and reliance on Jesus

Weekly Intern Hours: 

Tuesdays - 2:00pm-4:00pm

Wednesdays - 4:00pm- 9:00pm

Intern Roles:

Small Groups Intern 

The Small Groups Intern will work with the SM Volunteer & Community Coordinator creating effective small group communities in the middle school ministry. This intern will learn the ways in which the student ministries seeks to train and care for its middle school small group leaders (planning and executing volunteer meetings, preparing small group materials, communication strategies). They will also assist the SM Volunteer & Community Coordinator in creating community for the ministry’s small group leaders both in weekly meetings and outside of those times as well (trainings, parties, celebrations, etc.).

Media Intern

The Media Intern will work with the Tsunami Staff (supported by the Wilmington Creative Staff) to curate, collect, and create digital media for the student ministries. This intern will learn the heartbeat of the middle school ministry and work to capture images and video and then create digital content to tell the story of what God is doing in the student ministries in various contexts (e.g. website, social media, SM gatherings, text messages, etc.)

Discipleship Intern

The Tsunami Discipleship Intern will work with the Middle School Pastor to execute the discipleship aspects of the student ministries. This intern will learn how the middle school ministry works to create discipleship environments for students, in particular the content (messages, small group materials, Bible studies, devotionals—both for students and leaders). They will also work with the middle school team in executing some logistical functions of other discipleship environments/steps like retreats or the baptism process, etc.

Programming and Welcome Intern

The Programming and Welcome Intern will work with the Middle School Pastor to create engaging programs and welcoming environments for the middle school students who attend our Wednesday night gatherings. This intern will assist in creating the programming aspects (games/visuals/skits/graphics, etc.) used on Wednesday nights to engage middle schoolers during the gathering. This intern will also work to lead the Tsunami Welcome & Connect team who welcomes middle schoolers into our environment.

Ripple Effect (High School) Internship

The ideal candidate for a Student Ministry intern is someone who is outgoing and responsible and loves to work collaboratively with others. A student ministry intern will have the opportunity to work alongside an energetic staff team to create environments for middle school students to connect with each other and their leaders while also being challenged to grow in their relationships with Jesus. The ideal intern will be able to take direction and be excited to learn and try new things while growing in their interpersonal skills and in their relationship with and reliance on Jesus.

Intern Roles:

Small Groups Intern 

The Small Groups Intern will work with our staff and volunteer team to help create meaningful communities where students can be known and encounter Jesus. This intern will work alongside the RE Volunteer & Community Coordinator to train and care for small group leaders. They will also help execute weekly leader meetings and ongoing touch points throughout the week (e.g., phone calls, training events). This role could be right for you if you love empowering people to lead well, helping others see the value of their contributions, and ensuring students are cared for by helping us track their engagement in the ministry.

Media Intern

The Media Intern will work with our staff team (supported by the Wilmington Creative Staff) to curate, collect, and create digital media for the student ministries. They will help manage Ripple Effect’s social media accounts and aid in the creation of visual media elements that are used in the context of our ministry. This role could be right for you if you love telling stories of what God is doing, creating visual elements to help people engage, and being a part of capturing what is happening in the life of the

Welcome and Programming Intern

The Welcome and Programming Intern will work with our staff to help create and execute high school ministry gatherings and events. They will lead a team of volunteers and student leaders to create a welcoming environment and help new students get connected in our ministry. This role could be right for you if you love managing multiple moving parts, making people feel welcome, and creating different ways for people to engage with each other and God.

Weekly Intern Hours: 

Tuesdays - 2:00pm-4:00pm

Sundays - 3:30pm- 9:30pm

Additional office hours during the week (roughly 2 hours, flexible time)

Overflow Internship

Intern Roles:

Hospitality Intern

The Overflow Hospitality Intern will lead the way in setting the table for students to find a home at Overflow. This leader will prepare an environment that encourages students to belong, be known, and be encouraged through building community. From owning the Cafe to fostering formative conversation with students and planning special OVF events, this leader will be attentive to the spiritual and relational needs of our community - leading the Overflow team to reach greater depths of relationship with our students. The heartbeat of this position is to create an environment that communicates “Welcome Home”. 

Host Team Intern

The Overflow Host Team Intern will lead the way in hosting and developing the Overflow welcome environment on Tuesday Nights. From leading and coordinating the Host Team to organizing volunteers to welcome students to set the energy on the Patio, this leader will set the tone for students, new and returning, as they arrive at our community gatherings. This leader will discover the needs of our students as they work to grow relationally and develop connections. The heartbeat of this position is to lead our host team volunteers toward setting the tone of “Becoming a Devoted and Winsome Generation”. 

Engagement Intern

The Overflow Engagement Intern will lead the way in establishing relational connection with 18-25 year olds, new and returning. This leader will interact with 18-25 year olds, gauge needs of our community, and equip individuals with tangible next steps or resources to help them walk with God. Leading the Engagement team, the Connect Intern will help plug 18-25 year olds into next steps at the church and provide a helping hand for 18-25 year olds to belong, be known, and be encouraged at Overflow! The connect intern will also help steward connection and engagement through Overflow Online by discipling the Y1 Online Connect intern. The heart beat of this position is to connect with 18-25 year olds in a way that communicates to them “You Belong Here”. 

Community Intern

The Overflow Community Intern will lead in helping students go deeper in their faith by empowering CG Leaders through relational connection, Leadership Activities, Facilitating Leader meetings, and other community group Logistics. This leader will learn the conversational needs of our community through conversations on Tuesday and Thursday and will come up with the next steps in deepening a flourishing community. The heartbeat of this position is that “Jesus Changes Everything”.  

Digital Communication Intern

The Overflow Digital Communication Intern will help communicate to students the life of Overflow and will do this through leading the media team on Tuesdays, capturing content, brainstorming media ideas, assisting in running Overflow’s social platforms, and anything else that helps communicate the heart of Overflow. Communication will be a huge key aspect of this internship role. We create because He first created us!

Digital Discipleship Intern

The Overflow Digital Discipleship Intern will help communicate to students the message of Overflow and will do this through capturing and editing content, creating graphics, taking photos, brainstorming media ideas that are discipleship-focused, assisting in running Overflow’s social platforms, helping with podcast filming, and anything else that helps communicate the heart of Overflow. Communication will be a key aspect of this internship role. We create because He first created us!

Online Connect Intern

The Overflow Digital Discipleship Intern will help communicate to students the message of Overflow and will do this through capturing and editing content, creating graphics, taking photos, brainstorming media ideas that are discipleship-focused, assisting in running Overflow’s social platforms, helping with podcast filming, and anything else that helps communicate the heart of Overflow. Communication will be a key aspect of this internship role. We create because He first created us!

Weekly Intern Hours: 

Tuesdays - 3:30pm-11:30pm

Thursdays - 4:30pm- 9:30pm

*2-3 additional hours will be required based upon when you are available!

OCO (Overflow Campus Organization) Internship

Intern Hours:

Mondays 4:30pm - 7:30pm

Thursdays 3:30pm - 5:30pm

*2-3 additional hours will be required based upon when you are available!

Intern Roles:


Creates a culture where college students are known by creating community on Mondays, focusing on relational depth, organizing groups, and facilitating community leadership development.


Creates a culture where college students are encouraged by finding ways to serve the needs of our campus, peers, and neighbors through chalking and serve events.


Creates a culture where college students belong through equipping our OCO community to connect with college students in and outside of Mondays, while facilitating and developing connection through our social media presence.

Creative Internship

Weekly Intern Hours: 

Internship hours would depend on the person’s availability and their skillset.

  • Sunday Mornings- 8:30-12:30- Ideally, an intern would serve a Sunday gathering and attend a Sunday gathering.

  • Sunday Evenings- 6:00-800pm- Depending on the creative skill set, we could use Ripple Effect as an opportunity to practice or train volunteers in your craft.

  • Tuesdays- Overflow- 6:00-9:30pm- Depending on the creative skill set, we could use Overflow and Tuesday Night Groups as an opportunity to practice or train volunteers in your craft.

  • Wednesdays- Tsunami- 6:00-8:00pm- Depending on the creative skill set, we could use Overflow and Tuesday Night Groups as an opportunity to practice or train volunteers in your craft.

Intern Role:

Creative Intern 

This internship will provide hands-on experience leading and coordinating tasks with special creative projects. This intern would work alongside of the Story Creative Team and will participate in the process of communicating the story of Port City Church through capturing important events and brainstorming, strategizing, planning, and executing creative projects.

Welcome and Connect Internship

Intern Hours:

Sundays 6:30am - 12:30pm

Thursdays 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Intern Role:

Welcome and Connect Interns

The Welcome and Connect Team Interns will serve alongside the Welcome and Connect Staff to create welcoming environments, lead and encourage Serve Team members, and own the logistics of Sunday-morning gatherings.


Production Interns will serve on our worship service programming team and help lead in the three roles below in and around Sunday and Overflow gatherings!

Weekly Intern Hours: 

Tuesdays - 2:30pm-5:00pm

Interns will serve one gathering per week and will need to be available to serve on Sundays (6:30am - 12:30pm) and/or Overflow (Tuesdays 4:00 - 9:30)

Intern Roles:

Production Intern 

The Production Interns will help lead, serve, and care for our audio, video, lighting, and stage volunteer teams for Overflow and Sunday gatherings. As an integral part of the Gatherings team, interns will have the opportunity to grow in their leadership, as well as technically, spiritually, and relationally.

Programming Intern

The Programming Interns will assist in crafting, organizing, supporting, and producing the Sunday gatherings at Port City. With an emphasis on organization and communication, they will serve alongside staff and volunteers to create gatherings that inspire engagement in worship, teaching and community.

Graphic Design

The Graphic Design interns will assist in creating design elements that support content and communication for our worship gatherings. Additionally, they will serve alongside staff and volunteers for the implementation of graphics into gatherings through programming and production components.

Stay connected: