What is Hang Ten?
Port City Kids Hang Ten is a weekly web show for kids. Each episode is filled with lots of laughs, crazy characters, ways for your kids to participate each week, a Bible lesson, and questions to help jumpstart conversations about what your kids learned.
Episode 44
In our final Hang Ten episode we learn what it looks like to speak the truth in love, we review what we’ve learned over the last year AND we get to see all sorts of fun videos from YOU! This is one you definitely don’t want to miss!
Episode 43
In our forty-third episode we talk about what vulnerability is and why it is important to open up and share with other people. Our hosts give their best impressions of their favorite characters AND there is a special video featuring those of you who have participated in all the Hang Ten fun over the last year!
Episode 42
In our forty-second episode we recap our top 3 moments over the last year and talk a little more about why it’s important to have empathy for others. You are sure to get a good laugh in as our hosts continue reenacting their favorite Hang Ten characters! You do not want to miss out on the fun this week!
Episode 41
In our forty-first episode we talk about what it means to BE a friend and why we need friends. We have to love and trust one another in order to have relationships. In this episode our hosts give their best impressions of their favorite characters from Hang Ten and we have a fun activity to remind us why our words and actions matter!
Episode 40
In our fortieth episode we learn that we weren’t created to do life alone. We need people that love us and can help us walk through hard things all while pointing us towards God! In this episode we wrap up our series on perfection and introduce our final challenge for Hang Ten! You don’t want to miss this!
Episode 39
In our thirty-ninth episode we learn that our perspective on things shapes how we respond. Sometimes things can appear completely different depending on how you look at it! This episode is sure to get you thinking about things in a new way and will open our eyes to what it looks like to trust God through it all!
Episode 38
In our thirty-eighth episode we talk about the process of trusting God even when we face hard things! We have a fun new challenge that proves to be harder than expected and we get to worship to one of our favorite songs! Grab your pen and paper and jump right into the fun!
Episode 37
In our thirty seventh episode we talk about God’s grace being enough. Grab you pens and paper because draw time is back along with another old friend who has a fun new challenge for us! This episode is packed with all sorts of fun you don’t want to miss out on!
Episode 36
Check out the thirty-sixth episode of Hang Ten!
Episode 35
In our thirty fifth episode we jump into a new series about the cross that will lead us into Easter! We have a fun lesson to understand the trinity and a new challenge that you don’t want to miss out on!
Episode 34
In our thirty fourth episode we finish our chapter book titled, “The Fourth Grade Plan.” Levi has worked so hard all year to win a specific year, but God may have different (and even better) plans! We have a fun new challenge AND we get to show off all of your pets that you submitted last week!
Episode 33
In our thirty third episode we continue with chapter 4 in our book titled, “The Fourth Grade Plan.” Levi hits a breaking point but ultimately decides to trust God and because of a simple declaration, God works in Levi’s heart in a big way. We have a new fun challenge this week and a new friend to help review our Bible Story!
Episode 32
In our thirty second episode we continue with chapter 3 in our book titled, “The Fourth Grade Plan.” Levi faces a situation that seems very unfair, and he is having a hard time letting go of the way he wants things to go. Our friend Joe Baggs teaches us about someone else who faced something unfair but when she trusted God, He used her in BIG ways!
Episode 31
In our thirty-first episode we jump into chapter 2 of our book titled, “The Fourth Grade Plan.” Levi, the main character in the book, Is learning what it means to surrender his desires and trust that God has a plan. We have a new friend join us to share in a fun challenge for the week and if you listen close you may even learn a new joke!
Episode 30
In our thirtieth episode, we jump into Chapter 1 of a book called, The 4th Grade Plan. This book will walk us through the idea of surrender and what it means to put things in place that will help us walk with God even when we face hard days. Our hosts play a fun game and we even hear from one of YOU about what our next challenge will be!
Episode 29
In our twenty-ninth episode, we wrap up our series called Together. We help kids to understand that God intentionally made them, and they have a part to play in the body of Christ AND in our world. Florine challenges us to put our faith into action and Masked Man pops in for a fun new challenge!
Episode 28
In our twenty-eighth episode, we continue in our series called, “Together,” but shake things up with some Disney favorites and a creation to help keep elephants away from the dentist! You don’t want to miss the fun this week!
Episode 27
In our twenty-seventh episode, we continue in our series called, “Together,” and talk about how our relationship with God helps us to love others. Luna is back with a fun new lesson and we hear more fun challenge ideas from YOU!
Episode 26
In our twenty-sixth episode, we continue in our series on community and talk about why it’s important to love others and what that looks like. We are continuing with our fun challenge and we even have an old friend back with us!
Episode 25
In our twenty-fifth episode, we jump into the New Year with a new friend and a new series all about doing life together. There is a new challenge you definitely want to participate in and the worship song for the day is one of our all time favorites!
Episode 24
In our twenty-fourth episode, we wrap up the year with some crazy Christmas games, a new friend, and a look at what happens to us when we have the true joy that Jesus made available!
Episode 23
In our twenty-third episode, we have more Christmas fun in store as our hosts build a log cabin from food and play a crazy snow-scoop-alypse game. Stan is back and we dive a little deeper into where true joy comes from and how we can find that joy!
Episode 22
In our twenty-second episode, we continue our Christmas season celebrating the joy that Jesus has made available to each and everyone one of us. We have a special visitor from a Christmas Tree lot and our hosts are up to some more silly games! Have you submitted for this month's challenge yet?!
Episode 21
In our twenty-first episode, we start the Christmas season with a new series all about JOY! Joy is more than happiness, it's an expression that comes from being known and loved by God! Luna gets into the Christmas spirit and you don't want to miss the new Christmas challenge!
Episode 20
In our twentieth episode, we wrap up our series on paying attention by talking about what it means to make God a priority in our life. Luna is back and you don't want to miss the challenge for this week!
Episode 19
In our nineteenth episode, we talk about the importance of thinking our thoughts, not just so that we understand things better, but so that we can better see the glory of God. We have a fun surprise for those who participate in our challenges and Florine is back with one last tip to help us memorize scripture!
Episode 18
In our eighteenth episode, we talk all about our words and how much value they hold. Florine is back with more tips to memorize scripture and our hosts play a fun game that you can follow along with! You don't want to miss this week!
Episode 17
In our seventeenth episode, we learn why it is so important to give our attention to God instead of the things of this world. We have a new friend, Florine, joining us and a special challenge from the Masked Man that you definitely don't want to miss!
Episode 16
In our sixteenth episode, we learn about what it means to be fishers of men. We get a new challenge from the Masked Man, Stan is up to another crazy experiment, and Joe Baggs is back telling us all about Ethiopia!
Episode 15
In our fifteenth episode, we wrap up our series all about Jesus and really dive into what it means to be plugged into the source of Jesus Christ! Stan is back with another fun experiment and even our hosts jump into some of the fun the Masked Man has for us!
Episode 14
In our fourteenth episode, we talk about Ellie being a light to her teammates and impacting those around her! We meet Stan who shows us a cool experiment of what our impact can look like and of course we have more mania with the Masked Man!
Episode 13
In our thirteenth episode, we talk about Landon and how he realizes that we can come to Jesus just as we are. No one is perfect and we don't need to be perfect to receive God's love. Bubba is back entering his potatoes in the Hymn Haw Harvest Hoedown and the Masked Man brings us all sorts of Mania!
Episode 12
In our twelfth episode, we talk more about Lizzy and see how her story can help someone else walking through a difficult time. Luna gets things all mixed up, and more!
Episode 11
In our eleventh episode, we dive into Hunter's story and learn that it isn't money people need, but friendship and worth. Luna helps us see that everything is valuable because it comes from God!
Episode 10
In our tenth episode, we start a new series all about Jesus and what makes him so compelling! We meet some new friends and our hosts show us some... questionable art!
Episode 9
In our ninth episode, we wrap up our series on Titus. Luna helps us see that even small acts of kindness make a big difference and we launch our first ever Art Show!
Episode 8
In our eighth episode, we continue in our series about Titus and how over time Jesus works in our hearts to shape them to be more like Him. Even Pete learns that things take time!
Episode 7
In our seventh episode, Pete is back trying to be a "roll" model and we dive into Titus a little more to see how the people of Titus had the opportunity to impact others, and how we do too!
Episode 6
In our sixth episode, we start a new series on the book of Titus. Pete the Pirate gives us tips as kids jump back into school and more!
Episode 5
In our fifth episode, we will look at what the Bible is, what it means and why it is so important. Our friend chips joins us and Coach is back with a new challenge!
Episode 4
In our fourth episode, we will find out the winner from our cool tricks segment and learn how we can trust God even when we feel afraid. Even Bubba gets afraid sometimes!
Episode 3
In our third episode, we will learn about all the struggles Joseph faced throughout his life but God had a beautiful plan the whole time. Bubba is back again but seems to have some camera problems check it out to see if he can get it figured out!
Episode 2
In our second episode, we will learn about what happened when four friends lowered their friend through the roof to see Jesus. Bubba is back with a lesson on fixing something that's broken and more!
Episode 1
In our first episode, we learn that we can trust God no matter what we face. You’ll meet Bubba and his chickens, our friend Knox, practice your artistic skills in the first-ever Draw Time, and much more!