JULY 11-15
Current 6th-8th Grade Students.
JUNE 25-29
Current 9th-12th Grade Students.
3 Step Registration:
Step One: Fuse Camp 2025 Registration
To secure your student’s spot, the deposit is $100. The total cost for camp is $579 per student. We also offer a multiple-student discount—see below for more details.
We do offer a multiple-student discount that families can use to help offset some of the cost of sending multiple students to camp. To access that code (which is available to use ONLY on the final payment link), email us at fusecamp@portcitychurch.org.
This multiple-student code can only be used on the final payment. Please register your student first with the $100 deposit, then email us to receive the code that you can apply to your final payment.
Step Two: Crowder’s Ridge Registration
Crowder’s Ridge is the location of FUSE, and they require a registration of their own (including their release and dietary needs). Click the button below to fill out the form for each student attending FUSE.
To complete your Crowder's Registration, you will need to enter a group code.
For High School FUSE: Use the code 2025portcityhs
For Middle School FUSE: Use the code 2025portcityms
Step Three: Port City Waiver
Whew! You're almost done!
Your final step is to fill out the 2025 Port City Release form for each student.
*If your student attended the Winter Retreat, you don’t need to fill this out again. Woo hoo!
FUSE 2025 Final Payment:
Final Payments Due June 5th.
If you’ve completed all the registration steps and would like to make your final payment for FUSE, click the link below!
We know that the cost of camp can be a lot, but we never want finances to keep a student from being a part of FUSE!
Giving to our Camp Fund
Thanks so much for being willing to make your financial resources available to help make it more affordable for students to attend FUSE. We are so grateful for your generosity. If you are a regular financial contributor to Port City Community Church, your gifts already support the budget that goes toward keeping the costs down for our families. If you would like to contribute above and beyond your regular giving, click the button below to donate.