Welcome to your first FAMILY CHALLENGE! Each week we will invite you to set aside about 20 minutes and have some fun TOGETHER! This week’s challenge is one some of you may have even seen circulating on social media, we’re challenging you to do the paint your partner trend…family edition!

Begin by gathering some art supplies. This could be as simple as paper and pen, or as detailed as paint and an easel. Once you have your supplies, write down the name of everyone in your family and put the names into a bowl. Mix the papers up, and have each person in your family draw a name from the bucket. The name of the person you get is who you will paint or draw. Put on some holiday music (I hear this is a good playlist) and spend some time talking, being creative, and hopefully laughing together!

At the end, reveal your painting (or drawing) to the person you drew. For an added bonus, take a picture of each person holding their new self portrait and send them to us at so we can all join in on the fun! 

Happy painting!