Field Partners
Our Field Partners
Andrea & McKenzie – Trieste, Italy
Andrea and McKenzie D. are long-term field partners with Pioneers Mission Agency. They are serving in Trieste, in northeast Italy. They are leading a church-planting and development ministry, which strives to transmit the message of the gospel relevantly and effectively for the lives of local people. They desire to see a multiplying network of Gospel centered community groups permeating the city of Trieste and its surrounding areas who are connected through different church gatherings. Check out their website.
Stewart & Katrina – Yucatan, Mexico
Stewart and Katrina S. are serving as long-term field partners in Peru working with locals to plant a church in Cajamarca. God is using their heart for discipleship and their giftings of construction and bookkeeping to open doors to new ministry opportunities. Their area is one highly saturated with religion and they are working to bring the Truth of relationship with Christ to the locals there. Check out their Facebook page.
Cary – Stateside
Upon her return to the States after serving on the field in Ethiopia, Cary R. is continuing to work with Pioneers Mission Agency, now as a part of their training team. She serves as a pre-field coach to 50+ people headed to teams in places such as Sub-Saharan Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Singapore, and the Philippines. Cary’s role involves equipping new missionaries as they prepare for the field through a variety of trainings, and overseeing the progress of each of her appointees as they walk through their individual journeys to their prospective teams. Cary also works directly with each team and area leader in the field to understand the unique situation of the individual team, and their need for new team members.
James & Jane* – Africa
When a Port City couple took the ‘Perspectives on the World Christian Movement’ course in 2011, it was then that they first learned about the need for Bible translation. God has directed their steps to join Wycliffe Bible Translators to serve long-term. Port City is privileged to have sent this couple out to be involved in a Bible translation project among one of the least-reached languages where less than 1% of the people are believers.
*Due to location we are unable to share the identity of the field partners.
Trey & Alice* – Spain
Trey & Alice* are long-term missionaries with Avant Ministries. They are serving in Spain, on the southern coast in Andalusia . They are members of a team that produces and utilizes media to support the formation and growth of the church where there is no evangelical presence. Their heart is for the people of Spain and the surrounding regions. Their vision for ministry is that those who have not heard the incredible story of grace, forgiveness, and reconciliation that comes through a relationship with Jesus, will receive Him as Savior and be transformed through Him. Contact Trey and Alice* for ways to support.
*Due to location we are unable to share the identity of the field partners.
Become a Field Partner
Serving God cross-culturally is hard, there is just no two ways about it. Isolation, loneliness, cultre-shock, lack of connection with their home church and the list goes on. That's why we seek to grow intentional & long lasting relationships with the body of Port City and those sent out for cross-cultural service. If you love caring for people and want to be a tangible piece to what God is doing in another part of the world, contact us to learn more about joining a Field Partner Ambassador Team.