You’ll Be My Witness

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8  NIV


Imagine stepping back into the dusty pages of Acts, where the early church ignited a flame that would spread like wildfire across the known world. Now, take a look around you. Could it be that we, as the body of Christ, are a continuation of that very story? Our mission statement talks about "reaching people and helping them walk with God." It's not just about spreading a message; it's about embodying the life of Jesus in the here and now. Being a Christian isn't just a title; it's an invitation into a vibrant, transformative community—a new creation community.

Think of the New Testament as an unfolding narrative—a story we're invited to step into. To bear witness isn't just about speaking words; it's about bringing something to light through who we are and how we live our lives. And let's not forget about the Holy Spirit that animates us and propels us forward in love. We're not left to stumble in the dark as we try to bear witness; Jesus gave us the gift of the Spirit as a guiding light, teacher, and helper. Grace is about forgiveness and empowerment. It provides us with the desire, the ability, the resources to participate in God's kingdom—His purpose, His plan, His will.

But let's get real for a moment. The closer we walk with Jesus, the more out of step we may find ourselves with the world. How do we navigate the chaos, you ask? By faithfully living out the way of Jesus, full of hope and love with the support of a new creation community that differs dramatically from the world. We have a responsibility to apply what we know, to respond to the gifts we've been given. Unity. It's not just a nice idea; it's essential. Our resolve to be helpful, our willingness to care—that's where our reach truly matters, and we can only do that if we do it together.

The early Christians faced challenges and uncertainties just as we do today. Yet, they persevered, fueled by their unwavering faith and commitment to embodying Christ's teachings. Similarly, in our modern world, we encounter a world hungry for meaning and authenticity amidst the noise and distractions. Our task remains unchanged—to shine the light of Christ's love and truth in every corner of society. As we journey together, let us remember that our unity is our strength, and our collective witness has the power to transform hearts and communities. So let us embrace our calling with courage and conviction, knowing that we are not alone in this profound mission.


  • How can you cultivate a deeper reliance on the Holy Spirit as your guiding light, teacher, and helper in your daily life and witness?


Heavenly Father, may we be reminded of the early disciples who fearlessly spread Your gospel. Grant us the courage to embody the love and truth of Jesus Christ in all that we do. Guide us by Your Holy Spirit, that we may walk in unity and bear witness to Your transformative power in the world. Amen.

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