Holding Pattern
As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me. Micah 7:7
God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12
Having two young daughters and no family in town makes carving out a consistent date night with my wife tricky. Sometimes it feels like I serve as my daughters' Uber driver who whisks them to and from social events, after-school programs, youth groups, and sports practice. Jenn (my wife) is also a nurse who works the night shift, which only adds to the scheduling chaos.
As a result of all of these demands, we've become very creative in ways to make our relationship a priority. Instead of having date nights, we improvise and have date mornings. Nothing fancy, sometimes it's laughing over a cup of coffee, conversations at a bagel shop, or, when we're really splurging, going to eat at "Christian Chicken" (aka Chick-Fila).
During those glorious pre-covid days, we had one of our date mornings. We enjoyed our meal, caught up, and then kissed each other goodbye. When I walked to my car, I realized I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. The delivery truck had just arrived, and it had conveniently blocked me in (along with a few other vehicles).
So, I went back inside and waited. And waited. And waited some more. I thought of all the work I needed to get done. The looming deadlines. The incomplete tasks. The unanswered emails. In my head, I began to wonder in frustration, "Don't they know I have places to go and people to see?" In reality, this delay held me back for no longer than maybe 30 minutes (no biggie).
The reality is none of us like to wait. We don't do delays. We resist holding patterns, roadblocks, and setbacks. We lose our minds when the internet isn't lightning speed. We're always in a rush to fulfill our needs, wants, agenda, and desires.
Our impatience also makes its way into how we interact with God. We desire for Him to change our circumstances in an instant. When God doesn't do things according to our plans and our times, we begin to question if He cares, His faithfulness to us, and what is driving His seeming indifference. We want to get from Step A to Step Z in no time flat while skipping all the formation, struggles, and insight that come along the way. We expect to know our life's purpose in less than a day.
While we yearn for the fast-forward button, God often attempts to get our attention through the pause. It's in these moments of waiting where our trust gets strengthened and our faith tested. We recalibrate our hearts and align them with His own. Waiting on God isn't idle time, but rather a season of preparation and refinement of purpose. Don't rush and miss what God might be teaching you in the quiet stillness.
In what situations are you rushing to act and respond when God is urging you to wait and reflect?
What is God trying to help you understand during this time of waiting?
God, I'm impatient, even in my faith. In my rush, I often lose sight of who is truly in control of my circumstances. I forget that You have a purpose for me and it can't be found in the blur of racing. You urge me to wait and be still. Not because you are cruel or demanding, but rather because You care that much about my heart. Help me to trust in this reality. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.