When We’re a Blur
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today," so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:3-4
Living in the suburbs in the 80's, my cul-de-sac served as the activity hub for the neighborhood. Bikes left in the front yard were akin to social media posts that fun was going down. In the warm summer months, we'd play outside from sun up to sun down. Some games got quite competitive, especially Tag, whenever my friend Keith played.
It was a badge of honor if you managed to put your hands on Keith. He rarely, if ever, was "it." He moved at lightning speed and had the uncanny ability to zig when others zagged. Keith was so quick on his feet that he often got left out because we realized it was futile trying to pursue him.
Being elusive in a childhood game is one thing; living life at a rushed speed to avoid being known is quite another. Both cause an individual to miss out on the fun. Unfortunately, our culture knows only one speed, and it's GO! We hurry from one thing to the next and mask it as being productive. Even though that plays a part, our excuse doesn't tell the whole story. We rush because it prevents people from seeing the "real" us.
When we're a blur, we present a distorted picture of who we are.
Most of us run at a clip that is unsustainable for our hearts and unhealthy for our connections. Always being on the go sends an unintended message to the other person that they aren't worth our time, energy, and attention. Meaningful conversations don't go in one ear and out the other. They happen only if we're willing to slow down for those who cross our paths.
Time is one of our most precious commodities at our disposal. We will waste this resource if all we're doing is pounding the pavement, pursuing our needs, plan, schedule, and priorities. By slowing down, checking on peoples' needs, and listening to their stories, we move God's Kingdom forward one step at a time.
So, today, slow down by catching up with somebody.
Where is your rushed life preventing you from being known?
Who can you reach out to today to see how they're holding up?
God, rushing ruins my relationships. The pressure to perform and get things done hinders my ability to be known as well as know and love others. I want to live life at Your speed and be intentional with my time. Help me pay attention to what is happening around me, so I can step into opportunities to care for people. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.