Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel. Philippians 1:27
Does it feel like 2020 was ten years ago to anyone else?
There is a New York Times Article entitled, "2020 Events: Yes, These All Really Happened In The Year From Hell." There is even a movie called "2020: The Dumpster Fire." People were running out of toilet paper in March and buying 2020 toilet paper ornaments for their Christmas trees. We were ordering grocery pickup, working from home, and attempting to homeschool our kids through their school's remote learning. We were social distancing and hospitals were overrun. Then the other things…The Australian bushfires. Megxit. The deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. Kobe Bryant's death. An impeachment trial. The stock market crashing. The resounding question, What is actually happening? Then, when it couldn’t get worse or any weirder, there were suddenly murder hornets?
In December of 2020, I was trying to imagine what the next year would look like as I tried to pick My One Word for 2021. At that time, we couldn’t even plan a vacation, much less anticipate what could happen next. This was hard for me, I like control. What 2020 taught me was that the unexpected can literally happen tomorrow.
I shared with a volunteer how I typically pick My One Word. The process includes taking time to write down some attributes of areas I struggle in or an attribute of a Jesus-follower that I want to pursue intentionally. But to be honest, while there are some years, I keep my word in front of me and am conscious of how it influences my daily life, there are other years, I struggle to measure up to this seemingly unattainable goal. As I shared my journey with My One Word with this volunteer, I blurted out, "Next year, I'm just going to be like WHATEVER."
It stopped me. Maybe I should be like "whatever!" about my life, not in a giving up or unintentional way, but with a posture of releasing control.
In processing whether this was indeed where I was going to land on my word, I dug into God's Word, via the Bible app on my phone. I did a quick search for "whatever" to see what scripture, if any, encompassed what I wanted for growth in my life in 2021.
There it was, in Philippians 1. Verse 27 says, "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel."
I don't know about you, but many things happened in 2020 that I did not conduct myself in a manner worthy of the gospel.
If a scripture influences me, I typically will read the entire chapter to get more context. I read all of Philippians 1 on my phone in those next few moments. Then kept going. Philippians is full of "whatevers."
I read in Philippians 3:7 that whatever was a gain to me, I should consider it a loss for the sake of Christ. Essentially, nothing in my comfortable, American life matters at the end of the day if I'm not walking closely with Jesus. In chapter 4 verse 8, I read that I am to think of whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable. And considering everything happening in the world, I could benefit from keeping my mindset there and not being pulled away to uncertainty and fear. Then in verse 11, Paul says he has learned to be content in whatever the circumstances.
Content in whatever the circumstance. What about every event happening simultaneously? Whether I was wearing a mask or trying to get my kids to complete their online homework. Whether I was afraid that my family and friends would get sick while I ached for the senseless deaths of people I didn’t know while listening to two people I adore argue over the presidential campaign. Whatever the circumstances, I could be content.
"Whatever" was my focus for 2021, to be content and not hold onto control. But I also learned it could be my response. Family members arguing…. Whatever. The world is on fire…. Whatever. Murder hornets make it to North Carolina… Whatever. I could set my thoughts on what is noble, right, pure, true and admirable… and that is the person of Jesus.
Whatever happens, I release it and turn to Jesus.
Are there any words you say frequently that could also turn your gaze toward him? Make a quick list. You can use this as a guide to help solidify the direction for your 2023 word.
Look up verses that contain that word; you may be surprised by what you find!
Jesus, thank you for Word. Would You continue to use it to help me as I pursue becoming more like You? Thank you for Your sacrifice and example. I ask that you continue to open my eyes and heart to what's next for me. In Your name Jesus, I pray, Amen.
Ashley Sarvis, Worship Service Programming Coordinator, wrote today's devotional.