The Power of the Tide
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. Ephesians 4:11-15
My youngest daughter loves the ocean. It's like something in her soul is drawn to the water. I remember the first time my wife and I took her to Wrightsville Beach when she was a toddler. As soon as her eyes locked on the waves, she ran towards them with reckless abandon. There was no fear, apprehension, or hesitation. Of course, being the overprotective parent, I told her to stop, but she reminded me that she was a "big girl."
So, I backed off and watched from the shoreline. She kept creeping farther and farther out, and as she did, the size of the waves continued to grow. And then it happened. A wave knocked her off her feet and sent her spiraling underneath the water. The power of the tide was too much for her to bear. She tossed, turned, and tumbled until the wave spat her out covered in sand and shells gasping for air.
Not only did she develop a healthy respect for the waves that day, but she realized that to enjoy them, she needed my help. She reached for my hand and asked me if we could go back in. And so we did. We frolicked in the waves and made memories. But, most importantly, she didn't have to fear the coming waves anymore because she knew that I was by her side, protecting and supporting her.
Today's passage from Ephesians provides a similar picture when describing the purpose of the body of Christ. It's one of support and encouragement, accountability and grace, growth and knowledge, unity and togetherness. God designed the body of believers to be a place where maturity and reflecting Christ's heart through our words and action is the focus.
We make these a priority because of one thing – we know the waves are coming. Life can, at times, feel like a tidal wave. Circumstances happen that we didn't expect, see, or anticipate. They leave us disoriented, not knowing which way is up. Some of you reading this might feel like you're just treading water trying to survive. Others of you are drowning or know someone who is. It's easy to get knocked off course, to lose our way, and let the rip current pull us in directions we didn't want to go.
That's why we need each other. It's not humiliating to ask for help; it's humbling. Sometimes, the most vital thing that you can do is admit you're weak. An extended hand serves as the picture of the body of Christ. Not only are we a life preserver for a broken world, but we must be a source of refuge for believers as well.
Stability is a marker of maturity, but stability never comes solely through our strength and merit. We all need a helping hand to support us so that we don't fear what comes our way, but we face it confidently with a sure footing.
Where are you getting tossed and turned by the waves of your circumstances? Who can you ask for help?
Is there someone you know drowning and losing hope due to what they're facing? How can you support and encourage them today?
God, thank you for surrounding me with a tribe that wants what's best for me. I pray that I would be someone who helps support and lift up those around me who are struggling. When I'm the one grappling with things, I want to display the humility to look toward others for help. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.