The Process of Becoming
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
Each of us is in the process of becoming—growing into the unique person God designed us to be. This journey isn’t something we embark on alone; it’s marked by encounters—with others, with ourselves, and most importantly, with God.
Many of us wrestle with questions of faith. These questions can lead us in one of two directions: down a path of hardened skepticism, where doubt builds walls, or toward a journey of curious exploration, where questions open doors to deeper understanding. The beauty of faith is that it can withstand scrutiny and even grow stronger through honest inquiry.
At the heart of this journey is the Gospel—the good news of Jesus Christ. It’s not just a story from long ago but a living narrative that includes His birth, life, teachings, death, and resurrection. This isn’t just a historical fact; it’s a transformative reality with the power to save and bring God’s Kingdom into our lives today.
We often reduce the Gospel to a simple ticket to heaven or a set of moral do’s and don’ts. But it’s so much more than that. The Gospel calls us to live a new kind of life under a different rule. It invites us to become new creations, living out God’s new reality right here, right now.
This transformation is what we call redemption—the renewal of all things according to God’s design. It starts with forgiveness, which makes space for this renewal to take root and grow. The Gospel brings us both: redemption and forgiveness intertwined, setting us on a path of restoration.
But how does this transformation happen? It’s all about what captures our attention, occupies our minds, and shapes our lives. We are formed into God’s image by encountering Him. This isn’t about perfecting ourselves through sheer willpower but about coming to God as we are, learning to be present with Him, and aligning our lives to see and experience Him.
This journey of becoming isn’t meant to be walked alone. Belonging provides the context for growth. It’s within community that we find support, challenge, and the richness of diverse encounters that shape us.
As we navigate this path of transformation, let’s remember that it’s a process. We’re all works in progress, being shaped by our encounters with God and others. The Gospel isn’t just a one-time event but an ongoing reality that continually renews and reshapes us.
What encounters have been most transformative in your faith journey?
In what ways are you actively orienting your life to see and experience God?
Loving Father, we come to You as we are, with our questions, doubts, and imperfections. Thank you for the transformative power of Your Gospel that renews us each day. Help us to center our lives around You, to be attentive to Your presence, and to embrace the process of becoming who You’ve created us to be. May we find belonging in Your family and become agents of Your redemption in the world. Amen.