The Privilege of Participation

Now wherever you go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  And teach them to faithfully follow all that I have commanded you. And never forget that I am with you every day, even to the completion of this age. Matthew 28:19-20 TPT

[God] supplies life and breath and all things to every living being. He doesn’t lack a thing that we mortals could supply for Him, for He has all things and everything He needs. Acts 17:25 TPT 


At the end of His earthly ministry, Jesus gave His disciples their marching orders: to spread the Gospel of grace wherever they went. More than that, He instructed them to walk in faith alongside those they met and taught. Today, we are invited to do the same—to share God’s love and mercy with everyone we encounter and cultivate meaningful, faith-based relationships.

If I’m honest, this invitation and call used to scare me rather than excite me. Some (well-intentioned) sermons I’d heard led me to believe that my willingness and ability to share the Gospel determined the eternal fate of those around me. This falsity put so much fear in my heart. If I couldn’t explain the Gospel clearly or eloquently enough, did that mean that I was condemning people to hell? I certainly didn’t go around shoving the Gospel down the throat of every stranger I walked past on the street (and I still don’t). But if I were to believe that others’ salvation hinged on my evangelism, that’s what I would feel pressured to do… even though that approach isn’t an effective way to spread God’s love.

The reality is this: God doesn’t need us in order to save others. We cannot possibly stand in God’s way if He wants someone’s heart. We aren’t that powerful. The salvation of those around us hinges on the grace of God alone. The pressure is off. 

We can have peace knowing that participating in sharing our hope in Christ is a privilege, not a crushing pressure. As God’s children, we get to participate in His redemptive plan for the world. We get to help bring the goodness of heaven to earth in countless little ways. It is a massive gift to be a small actor in God’s big story of salvation. It is a joy to share the message of Jesus with those who crave steadfast hope, comfort, and strength. 

God has armed each of us with unique talents, gifts, and resources so that we can spread the Good News of His grace. Every day, we are given opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a world that desperately needs love. Today, let’s embrace those opportunities and live out the Gospel with joyful hearts. We don’t have to feel the pressure to save those around us. God does the saving. We have the privilege of participating! 


  • Do you ever buy into the belief that you can “save” those around you? How is this belief harmful? 

  • How can you joyfully participate in the project of bringing heaven to earth today?  


Abba, thank You for saving Your people. I know that it is not my words or good behavior that bring salvation to the world. You alone are responsible for our freedom. You get all the credit. Your blood, not my effort, is what redeems lives. Thank You for inviting me to be a vessel of Your love and mercy to those around me. Help me to appreciate what a gift it is to participate in the good work You’re doing. Let me recognize and seize the opportunities I have to serve Your children. I love You, and I thank You for Your Son. Amen. 

Port City writer Kate Redenbaugh wrote today’s devotional.

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