The Heavy Things

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:2-4

“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” Romans 5:3-5


We have become experts at avoiding the heavy things in life. We numb our pain, distract ourselves from difficulty, and run from anything that feels too weighty. But what if the very things we are trying to escape are actually the most potent catalysts for transformation and impact in our lives?

Let's be real for a moment. Life is hard. It is messy, complicated, and often disappointing. We face setbacks, heartbreaks, and moments where it feels like the ground is crumbling beneath our feet. It is in these moments that we are tempted to ask, "Why, God?" We look at our circumstances and wonder how a loving Creator could allow such pain.

But here's the thing: God isn't afraid of our honesty. He is not intimidated by our questions or our anger. In fact, He invites it. When we bring our raw, unfiltered emotions to Him, we are not telling Him anything He does not already know. We are simply being real with ourselves.

This radical honesty with God is the first step in leveraging the heavy things in our lives. It is about acknowledging the weight we are carrying and bringing it into the light. And it is in this place of vulnerability that something incredible begins to happen.

You see, when we are honest about our struggles, our weaknesses, our disappointments – we create space for God's grace to flow. And His grace, my friends, is more than enough. It’s not just a comforting pat on the back; it is a transformative power that meets us in our brokenness and begins to work miracles.

The apostle Paul understood this paradox deeply. He spoke of a "thorn in his flesh" – some unnamed struggle that he begged God to remove. But God's response was profound: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Let that sink in for a moment. God's power is perfected in our weakness. It is not in our strength, our capability, or our have-it-all-together facade that we experience the fullness of God's power. It is in our dependence, our vulnerability, our admission that we can't do it alone.

This is where real power is found. Not in self-sufficiency, but in God-dependency. When we are carrying something too heavy for us to bear alone, we are positioned to lean into God's strength in a way we never could when everything's going smoothly.

So how do we leverage these heavy things? It starts with our response. Will we let disappointment have the final word, or will we choose to see it as an invitation to deeper intimacy with God? Will we allow our weaknesses to define us, or will we let them be the very places where God's power is displayed? The beautiful thing is, when we bring our honest struggles to God, something shifts. Our circumstances may not change immediately, but we do. We begin to see our difficulties not as obstacles to avoid, but as opportunities for growth and transformation.

Friends, do not run from the heavy things in your life. Do not numb them or try to escape them. Instead, bring them honestly before God. Let them drive you to a place of dependence on Him. For it is there, in that place of vulnerability and trust, that you will discover a grace that is more than sufficient – a power that is made perfect in your weakness. In the weight of your struggles, may you find the transformative power of God's grace. And may you learn to leverage even the heaviest burdens for His glory and your growth.


  • Reflect on the statement, "God’s grace is sufficient for us when life is heavy." How has recognizing God's power in challenging times impacted your faith?

  • What does it look like to leverage one’s life for God’s Kingdom when difficulties, hardships, and weakness often seem to weigh us down?

Further Practice

Write a “Heavy Thing Gratitude Letter”: Think of a past difficulty that you can now see played a significant role in your growth or led to unexpected positive outcomes. Write a letter to that "heavy thing" as if it were a person. Thank it for the ways it pushed you towards dependence on God, taught you valuable lessons, or opened up new opportunities. This exercise can help reframe your current struggles by reminding you of how past difficulties have been leveraged for good in your life.


God, Your love never fails and never disappoints. Remind me of this when I encounter circumstances that have the power to steal my joy and make me question my faith. Help me to see that You use my experiences, both the positive and the challenging, so I can better reflect Your heart and love to others. May I be willing to let You mold me in any way You see fit. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

This Sunday, July 14th, our church will practice a Sabbath Sunday. On this day, our church does not gather at any of our campuses, but instead we encourage each other to take time to intentionally stop, rest, and delight! We’ve created a Sabbath Preparation Guide to help you plan for this rhythm of rest, including specific ideas for families. We also have a Devotional Experience if you’d like additional content for your day. To find our resources for this Sabbath Sunday, you can head to We look forward to seeing you at one of our gatherings the following Sunday, July 21st.

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