Take The Leap
"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you." Deuteronomy 31:8
Doing something scary is a little less intimidating when watching someone else do it first. Growing up, my family often visited Slide Rock State Park in Sedona, AZ. There is a tall cliff at the park that (brave) visitors jump off into the raging river below. As a kid, I was terrified of leaping. It was only after I had watched my dad and brothers dive in (and make it out alive) for several years in a row that I felt ready to jump. They assured me that though the freefall was terrifying, it would be oh-so rewarding in the end.
Here's the thing: seeing others jump before me didn't change the cliff's height. It didn't change the depth of the water. It didn't soften the impact as my body made contact with the river. It didn't slow the current below. However, seeing other people take the plunge assured me I would survive the jump. The challenge didn't change, but my perspective on it did. Those who went before me proved it was possible. Their victory over the challenge took my fear away.
Jesus endured the worst pain, test, or trial a human being could ever face. He felt the total weight of sin and death on the cross. He carried the shame of everyone who lived and would ever live. Yet, He came out the other side victorious. He took the most significant leap of faith that God has ever called anyone to take. If Jesus could endure the cross and see redemption on the other side, we can take the leap before us today, assured that we will experience God's goodness when we do.
God goes before us as we endure life's tests and trials. Like the loving Father He is, He makes sure that the challenges before us are ones we can endure (1 Corinthians 10:13). He guarantees that any pain we may experience will be overshadowed by the good He will accomplish in our suffering (Romans 8:28). Though the jump He's asking us to take may be terrifying, it will be worth it in the end. He is a good, good Father. He wouldn't ask us to leap if it didn't build our character and trust in Him.
What leap of faith is God asking you to take? How would it change your perspective on taking it if you remembered He's already gone before you and jumped?
Abba, You don't ask me to do easy things. You often ask me to step outside of my comfort zone. You ask me to endure hurt and heartbreak that I don't think I can survive. Yet, You've gone before me and proven that the impossible is possible in Your strength. Lord, because You secured victory over death and darkness on the cross, I can be confident that I will have victory over every temptation and trial against me. God, thank You for assuring me, through Your example, that I will survive my sufferings and experience Your goodness tenfold on the other side of them. I love You, Lord, and I cannot express gratitude for all You've done. Thank You for being my best friend. Amen.
Port City writer Kate Redenbaugh wrote today's devotional.