So Much More


I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4


No matter how much I pleaded and begged to help make dinner, my mom's standard answer was "Watch me, and you'll learn." 

Watch?! No! That was no fun at all! Why couldn't I just get my hands in? Was she afraid I'd mess it up? I grew up thinking, "I'm just a kid. I guess I can't do stuff like that. Someday I'll be the one to hold the spoon." So, when I became a mom, and saw my mother-in-law letting my kids crack the eggs for her recipes, I was shocked! How could she give up control like that? What if a piece of shell got in the cake?

As children, we wrestle control from our parents. As parents, we struggle with how much control to relinquish. Outcomes must be planned with the proper ingredients, like a recipe, for everything to taste right. As I grew into adulthood, I felt that if I kept my hand in, orchestrating details, staying in charge, everything would work out right, like a recipe. I feared letting go. I was the grown-up now. Grown-ups measure. Grown-ups mix. Grown-ups hold the spoon. Even though things did not always work out right, that didn't stop me. So, I controlled my way right into stress and anxiety. My fear of things not working out held little sway on whether things, in fact, did work out as planned. In short, neither control nor fear did much to help the outcomes.

This pressure is far from the life God promises. In His love, we find true freedom. In His sovereignty, we find peace. We don't have to know it all, do it all. We don’t have to measure every action, like an ingredient in a predictable recipe. We have a lamplight at our feet illuminating just our next step, not a spotlight illuminating our next 50 years. 

When we hold onto our lives too tightly, measuring every movement, fearing a "less than tasty" outcome, we lose the magic of seeing God work miracles in our hearts, in our families, and in our communities. What God has in store for us is far greater than we can imagine. Though we may not know the outcomes, we know it is always for our good. 

In Proverbs we read, "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand."  (Proverbs 19:21) An old Yiddish adage is a bit more blunt in its message: “Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht,” meaning, “Man Plans, and God Laughs.” Not that God is without compassion. His love for us is infinite. Yet, He sees our fretting and worrying and knows that it's for naught. He wants so much more for us. Think of all the times we've witnessed misfortunes being transformed into blessings. A door closes as another opens. This is a gentle reminder that our trust, our source, our provision lies with Him. 

The story of Joseph is a wonderful illustration of this truth. With each fall, often at the hands of others, Joseph rose to a higher place ultimately serving as Pharaoh’s right-hand man. After saving his family from famine, Joseph says to them: “Don’t be distressed for selling me, it was to save lives that God placed me here.” God knew what they could not have foreseen.

So, what are we meant to do?  Perhaps we should consider starting our plans with God's Word.

The God of infinite love, of almighty power, of omniscience and omnipresence is actively pursuing us and dearly wanting to help us. Perhaps we ought to let him. When David sought the Lord, He not only answered David. He delivered David from the things that caused him fear. When we seek Him, we must believe that He will do the same for us. He will guide us, direct us, deliver us and protect us. We may not have the recipe for that perfect life. That's ok. We’re not supposed to. God has all the ingredients we need, and even more we haven't even thought of. Let’s hand over the spoon.


  • Where in your life are you still choosing control over peace?

  • How has seeking God helped you overcome a fear of performance or outcomes? How did that make you feel?


Father, no matter how hard we hold on, how many times we mess up, You are there for us. The measure of Your love is not based on our performance but Your Grace. You want our trust and submission because Your plans for us are beyond our imagination. I pray, Father, that our faith outweighs our fear. That we let go of our need to control each detail, and instead seek You for Your truth and Your will. In the shelter of Your love we find a peace and freedom beyond our understanding. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

Port City writer Paula Argenio wrote today’s devotional.

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