Showcase Showdown
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
I came across a documentary the other day on Netflix called The Perfect Bid, which documents the story of a man who outsmarted the game show - The Price is Right. The hard work and dedication of superfan Ted Slauson allowed him to help a multitude of people take home thousands of dollars worth of merchandise and trips. The documentary highlights how painstakingly cataloging and memorizing the value of every prize shown on the show led him to calculate the perfect bid on the Showcase Showdown in 2008, one of the greatest scandals in gameshow history.
I loved Price is Right growing up as a kid; obviously, not as much as Ted. My favorite prize was the lifetime supply of Rice-A-Roni. For the rest of their lives, some lucky "winner" could feast on this dish. Every time they opened their cupboard, boxes of Rice-A-Roni would be there. If life got hectic and they couldn't make it to the store, they always had something available for dinner.
I was always curious about what having an unlimited amount of something felt like, especially that product. Was it a blessing or a curse? The answer to that questions comes down to how one accesses the value of the possession.
Take, for instance, today's passage. The cross declares us the winner of the highest prize. Due to our encounter with Christ, we acquired a lifetime supply of joy and hope. His grace is unlimited. His love is boundless. There is no end to His forgiveness.
We not only bring it home with us; we also carry it with us anywhere we go. Every circumstance we encounter provides an opportunity to rest in the unshakable hope He gives. Leaning into His grace over and over again never grows old.
No matter what comes our way, we have a source to draw from for strength, hope, and courage. There's value in knowing that we're His prized possession. He is for us and wants what is best for us. His love is the only prize where the adage of "too much of anything is bad for you" does not apply.
Knowing we won't run out of His love, we are free to give it away to others. There's no need to hold onto it or hoard it for ourselves. We should want nothing more than for everyone we encounter to benefit from our prize. The hope we have experienced must overflow in everything we say and do. After all, it was a gift, so it wasn't ours to begin with - we're free to invite everybody to "come on down" and enjoy.
What are the implications of having an unlimited supply of hope, joy, and peace? Where do you need to enjoy this prize, and why does this circumstance come to mind?
God, You are my prize and my great reward. I'm undeserving of Your love, yet, You extend it to me anyway. I want Your love to pour out of me in everything I say and do. I will rest in the victory only You provide. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.