Recalling Forgiveness

“And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Matthew 6:12


Unforgiveness is toxic. If you have ever kept forgiveness from someone who has wronged you, then you understand that unforgiveness can rot you away. It consumes us with unhealthy thoughts, motives, and habits. But regardless of these consequences, it’s easy to fall into the trap of unforgiveness. 

Before we wrestle through this challenging part of Jesus’ prayer, please know forgiveness does not belittle the trauma someone else might have caused you. Jesus cares about the pain you have experienced and wants to help you. In fact, Jesus has promised that one day our pain will be no more.

Jesus consistently leads by example. Jesus sacrificed Himself on a cross to raise the standard of forgiveness. Jesus forgave it all, and I mean, all. Jesus’ blow to sin allowed for us to have a restored relationship to our Heavenly Father. And so, with Jesus as the model, we pray that as we have been forgiven, so we will forgive others.

When we recall the forgiveness Jesus has for us, it is not to make us feel guilted into forgiving others. Instead, when we recall the forgiveness Jesus has for us, how can we not in turn forgive others? 

We pray these challenging words knowing what the cost could be. One day, if not already, we are going to have to make a choice to forgive someone as we have been forgiven. We know that we do not possess the strength and desire to truly forgive someone, only Jesus does. So, when we pray these words, we are inviting Jesus into the situation and surrendering to the reality of His forgiveness working in and through us. 

So, are you ready to forgive? You could be wrestling with that question now, or it could be a question for a future situation. Regardless, right here and right now, we can begin to prepare our hearts for those moments where forgiveness is required of us. Every day, take a moment and lean into the forgiveness that Jesus has for you. We prepare our hearts to forgive others by reminding ourselves that we are forgiven completely.


●      What daily practice can you start to be reminded of Jesus’ forgiveness?


Father, Your love went to places no other love would, in order to pour out forgiveness for me. It is an unbelievable reality that I can stand before You as Your child, forgiven of all my sin. As I lean into Your forgiveness, prepare me to extend that same forgiveness to others. I pray this in Your gracious name, Amen. 

Port City writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.

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