“Planted” - Psalm 1 (Day 4)
Yesterday, we spent our time together exploring what it means to delight in Scripture and how one meditates on it “day and night.” We learned that the more we reflect on Scripture and keep it at the forefront of our attention and focus, the more we see God’s greatness, our need for Him, and the role we play in the world around us - and doing that, sparks joy within us. Today, we’re going to see that delighting in Scripture and enjoying God’s presence does something in us. It molds and shapes us, the question is - into what? But, before we begin - take a moment to clear your mind and center yourself. Empty all your worries, concerns, and anything else occupying your mind, so that God has a space to fill with His truth.
Alright, let’s begin. Once again we want to slow down and let the words of Psalm 1 wash over us, specifically verses 3 and 4. As you listen to the words, take note of how the author describes the blessed person and what marks their life. With that, let's read Psalm 1:1-4 together.
Psalm 1:1-4 says this:
1 Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.
4 Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.
The book of Psalms opens with a picture of stability and strength - a tree planted by streams of water - to describe the blessed one, the individual who delights in Scripture and meditates on it day and night. This imagery also speaks to the importance of a firm foundation. The question isn’t will difficulties come our way, but when they come, where is our foundation? Whether it's success, money, accomplishments, family, God, or even ourselves, we all build our lives on something or someone in hopes of experiencing security.
But, unfortunately, the things of this world are shallow. Their roots are flimsy at best - incapable of sustaining us for the long haul. They leave us hard-pressed when hardship hits our front door. Just like the sun rises on both the evil and the good, adversity, hardship, and trouble aren't indiscriminate. The storms of life fall on us all. As followers of Christ, we need not worry because we find ourselves firmly planted in His forgiveness, love, and faithfulness. We can draw from these things no matter what season we are facing.
Psalm 1 says those who look to Him for wisdom will flourish and not whither. The more we know (and trust), the deeper our roots grow. We become like a tree planted by streams of water, soaking up every drop of life-giving truth. Keeping his truth close to our hearts protects us from storms. Take a moment and consider the following questions:
What are some current challenges you are facing or the areas of your life where you feel you need security? Imagine that a strong wind comes at you and the pressure of it attempts to blow you down: Where are you planted? Where is your life rooted? Where are you finding security? Where are you drawing life from?
The author of this Psalm takes it a step further. We are not just any tree, but one that produces fruit in EVERY season. Fruit nourishes others and works for their good - they’re life-giving. If our leaves don’t wither, it means we provide shade for others who are worn out and in need. God does something in us so that He can accomplish things through us. This is why we must remain planted in Christ to build stronger roots in Him.
So, as we begin to wrap up our time together, we want to provide you some space to respond to what we read and to what God is starting to say to you through it.
First take a moment to process this question…What fruit is your life producing?
Another question to consider over the next few days…Where does the fruit from your life need to bring nourishment to those around you?
Father God,
You sustain us and watch over all our ways.
Knowing that You are the ultimate source of life,
may we build deep roots in You and You alone,
Let the nourishment these roots bring, and what blooms from it,
breathe life and vitality in our homes, neighborhoods, city and world. Amen.