Opportunity Lenses

“The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.” Proverbs 20:5

"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better."  Ephesians 1:17


We have all wrestled with those big questions: "Why am I here?" and "What am I meant to do?" It's natural to want our lives to count for something, to make a difference in this world. But sometimes, the pressure to find our "thing" can be overwhelming.

Here's the good news: God isn't waiting for you to have it all figured out. He's inviting you on a journey of discovery, and it starts with a simple shift in perspective.

Imagine putting on a pair of glasses that help you see the world differently. Let's call them "opportunity lenses." When you wear these, suddenly every day is filled with chances to live out your faith and be used by God. The catch? We're often too busy or distracted to notice these opportunities.

But what if we could change that? What if we could cultivate a posture of discovery that keeps us curious and hopeful?

It begins with stopping to really look around us. There's someone nearby who needs you to see them and bring the hope of Christ into their life. It might be a coworker who is struggling, a lonely neighbor, or a stranger who just needs a kind word. When we start noticing these moments, we're taking the first step toward living out our purpose.

Now, you might be thinking, "But, I don't know what my purpose is yet!" That's okay. The way to find "your thing" is by first doing "a thing." Start somewhere. Lean in. God is far less concerned about the specifics of what you are doing than He is about your authenticity, availability, and willingness to be used by Him.

Think about the things that make your heart come alive. What are your gifts, talents, and passions? How could you use them to advance God's Kingdom rather than just your own agenda? This isn't about adding more to your already busy life. It is about taking what you are already doing and offering it to God, making it available for Him to use.

When we give ourselves away in service to others, we are living out how we were made. It's hardwired into us, believer or skeptic alike. Those moments when we look outside ourselves and serve others? These are glimpses of God's heart expressed through us.

As followers of Christ, we have the incredible opportunity to be His ambassadors in this world. God is reconciling the world to Himself, and He is choosing to use us in that process. Our lives should be an expression of His love where we look for ways to give rather than take.

Here's the beautiful paradox: the depth we crave in our walk with God is often found when we step out to serve others. It is in those moments of obedience and faith that we often hear God's voice most clearly.

So, let us challenge ourselves to develop those "opportunity lenses." Let us tune our ears to God's voice, focus our eyes on the needs around us, and unclench our fists from our own plans. Every day presents new opportunities to live out our faith and be used by God.

If we are willing to do what is possible, God can intervene and do what we believed was impossible. Your dreams, hopes, and prayers are intricately linked to how you love and serve others. As you step into this journey of discovery, trust that God is working through you, even when you can't see the full picture.

Your purpose isn't a destination; it is a journey of faith, service, and love. So take that first step today. Look around. Lean in. And watch how God uses your willingness to make a difference in ways you never imagined.


  • What moments or activities make you feel most alive and connected to God's purpose?

  • What unique gifts or experiences do you have that could be used to meet a need in your community?

Further Practice

Start an Opportunity Journal: For one week, write down at least one opportunity you notice each day to serve someone or share God's love. Reflect on how this practice changes your perspective.


Heavenly Father, open our eyes to see the opportunities You've placed before us. Give us the courage to step out in faith, even when we're unsure of the outcome. Help us to use our gifts and passions to serve others and reflect Your love in the world. Amen.

This Sunday, July 14th, our church will practice a Sabbath Sunday. On this day, our church does not gather at any of our campuses, but instead we encourage each other to take time to intentionally stop, rest, and delight! We’ve created a Sabbath Preparation Guide to help you plan for this rhythm of rest, including specific ideas for families. We also have a Devotional Experience if you’d like additional content for your day. To find our resources for this Sabbath Sunday, you can head to www.portcity.church/summer. We look forward to seeing you at one of our gatherings the following Sunday, July 21st.

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