No Upgrade Needed


"Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8


I wouldn't say I'm a die-hard Apple fan, but I do enjoy their products. I like how they work, I like how different devices easily sync up, and for the most part, things work as I need them to. I do sometimes laugh, though, because Apple seems to have found the secret to keeping their customers. After a certain amount of time, their products no longer sync together, or updates aren't available, and inevitably you have to buy an updated version of the product. 

While this drives me crazy because I don't love spending money on a newer version of the same thing, I think this speaks to a more significant trend in our life. We live in a world that is forever changing. Fashion designs come and go (and some come back again.) Parenting trends evolve with each new generation, ways to communicate shift, and even eating habits seem to be continually changing. Unfortunately, nothing seems to stay the same. Just as Apple products need an update, we often feel that everything in our life also needs an update. 

Our car may work, BUT we could use one that's a little more reliable. Our job may be fine, BUT what if we could make a little more money? Our house is functional, BUT what if we had more space? There is nothing wrong with striving for our best, but when we start trying to change the truths of who God is to fit the new version of the world we live in, I believe we are moving in a dangerous direction. Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Culture may shift, products may become outdated and political issues may be challenging, but Jesus is still who He is. The words He spoke and how He lived didn't change when Satan tempted Him in the desert. He didn't change who He was when He spoke to a Pharisee, Samaritan, or Gentile. He didn't change His message when His enemies hung him on the cross. Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever.

It can be tempting to try and mold our faith to fit into the things we want for our life now. It's easy to make excuses so that our new view of things is justified, but I would challenge you and myself to take a step back and look at who Jesus is. Jesus walked with people and loved people with a force that impacts us still today. In an ever-changing world, are we changing our beliefs to fit the world, or are we changing the world to see better The One who changed everything? 


  • Where do you need to remind yourself of Jesus being the same yesterday, today, and forever? Why does this area stick out in your mind?


God, thank you for loving deeply and being an anchor in an ever-changing world. Thank You for Jesus, who is the rock I can stand on when things around me are constantly shifting. God, I pray for stability. I pray for eyes to see You amid the chaos that is around. I pray for You to lead me in Your ways to help others stand on Your truths as well. Amen.

Katie Robinson, Children's Ministry Home Coordinator, wrote today's devotional.

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