No Perfect Words

"In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." Proverbs 16:9 

"All a person's ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:2-3


If you are anything like me, you are nowhere close to having a word for this year yet. Frankly, I wait until it just shows up knocking on my doorstep. I wait for all the cards to align, and BOOM, my word appears in a conversation or a revelation as I write in my journal. Or, you're nothing like me and already have a word. 

But here I am, writing a devotional about My One Word without having actually chosen a word. And as the month of January quickly slips through my fingers, I cross off unworthy words from my list, saying, "This word sounds too cliche," or "Someone else just picked that word," or "That word seems hard."

If I'm being completely honest, I often want to pick the absolute perfect word, but not too perfect. It can't challenge me in a way that makes me uncomfortable, but it has to somehow allow me to grow into the follower of Jesus I want to become. I don't think I'm alone, and it's a tension we all face, regardless of where we find ourselves in the picking word process. We desire transformation on our terms, preferably without the struggle and inconvenience. 

Yet, what if we shift our perspective and pick a word so daring to our walks, something that scares us, that stretches us in a way God wants to stretch us? Instead of picking a word that helps you grow into the follower of Jesus YOU want to become, allow God to enter into this space and ask Him to bring clarity in the places HE wants to stretch you. 

As I said, I don't have a word picked for this year, but there is a word that keeps floating at the top of my thoughts - one that could stretch me in ways I'm resistant to growing in. But I know God will grow me through the uncomfortable.

I shouldn't be surprised with the tension I'm feeling. All my words of years past have made me uncomfortable in some ways, leading me down paths I wasn't yet ready to step into. Changing our perspective and allowing God to enter this process forces us to deny ourselves. We might think we have the perfect word picked out and find ourselves saying, "This is how I want to grow and become a better Christ follower." But let's shift our lens to see how God is forming us into the followers of Jesus He desires in us.   


  • Are you stretching yourself to be the follower you want to be or the follower Jesus created you to be? 

  • How can you allow God to step into this process? 


Lord, allow me to gain clarity and wisdom for who You created me to be. Help me lean into Your presence and the uncomfortableness of life. Give me the courage to shift my perspective and see the world through Your lens. Stretch me to become more of the follower of Jesus You created me to be. Amen

Samantha Bennett, Storyteller & Editor, wrote today's devotional.

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