Next Year

Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. Proverbs 13:20

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:23-25

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.Proverbs 18:24


Right around the corner from where we live is a spot known as “The Christmas House.” If you live in Wilmington, you’re probably familiar with this landmark. It is near the top of the must-visit list for Christmas lights and decorations during the holidays. Duke Energy sends them a Christmas Card to thank them for their high electric bill.

It also lights up the faces of all the boys and girls who walk around the yard. But, the fun doesn’t stop there. Inside, the house is decked out with all things holidays. It’s evident what this family values – Christmas, joy, family, and the holidays.

What many don’t realize, though, is the amount of work it takes to prepare the house for its many visitors. Starting around September, this family begins to prep their residence for the arrival of Christmas. When it’s sunny and 90 degrees outside, everyone else in town is thinking about heading to Wrightsville Beach and putting their feet in the sand.

This family, however, has sugarplums dancing in their heads. They are doing the hard work necessary to ensure they live out what they value, namely the holidays. Their intentions lived out months earlier, guarantees others would feel joy in December.

Around every Christmas holiday, people find themselves living in the land of regret saying, “Next year, I will _________.” It might seem odd to think about it now, but next December will be here before we know it. Just like this past year flew by, so will the next.

Right now, 2022 stands as a completely blank slate. It hasn’t happened yet. You have no control over the circumstances you will face or what will come your way, but you do have a say in what will define your relationships in the new year. 

Everyone wants to live out their relational values, but very few of us develop a plan to do so. So, be intentional. Values are only values if we live them out. So, do the work now to ensure your values will be visible later. 


  • What values do you want to define your relationships in 2022? How will you ensure these values are lived out with the people around you?

  • How do you want your current connections to grow and deepen in the upcoming year?

  • What do you hope is different about your relationships a year from now? Why do you want to see this change?


God, I desire to be proactive in my relationships with others. During this upcoming year, I hope intentionality defines my relationships. Yet, this requires me to be proactive right here, right now. Help me to pour into the lives of those around me. May I display the courage and boldness to reach out to those around me. Help me to know others as well as be known myself. In Your name, Jesus Amen. 

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