Moving Toward Others

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. 1 Corinthians 12:12-14


Following Jesus is not a solo journey. It's an invitation to connect with others on a path of faith and form a new kind of family. When Jesus was on earth, He brought together a diverse crew—fishermen, tax collectors, zealots, and sinners. People from all walks of life with different backgrounds and perspectives. But He wove them into a community that reflected God's Kingdom. That's what the church is meant to be: a living, breathing, tangible expression of God's love and purpose.

Jesus calls us not just to Himself, but to each other. In our divided world, that is pretty revolutionary if you think about it. God wants us moving toward others, growing in love, and reflecting His image together. As parts of Christ's body, we reflect the integrity of His image and the influence of His love. The church is designed by God to be the conduit through which His love is experienced and expressed among us. It's in that community that we find our common identity and foundation for how we relate to one another.

Our oneness in Christ is kind of a miracle. You can't manufacture that kind of unity on human strength alone. The world obsesses over our differences, putting them front and center above what we share in common. But the church calls us to something higher - something more profound. Our shared devotion to Jesus has to rise above any differences between us. In Christ, we find a unity that binds us as one body.

Every person in that church body has a unique, invaluable role to play. Paul reminds us, the body does not consist of one member but of many. That diversity is intentional and necessary for the whole thing to function well. Just like the eye can't say to the hand, "I don't need you," we all need each other. Every person, regardless of their story or abilities, is indispensable to Christ's body.

The world needs the church because it's through the church that Christ's love becomes visible. As we strive to become the kind of church He envisions, we bear witness to the reality of God and His Kingdom. Our unity, love, and commitment to each other should speak to an increasingly polarized and divided culture about the transformative power of the Gospel.

In this fragmented world, these redemptive communities stand as a beacon of hope and reconciliation. The simple truth is this, the church has the only message that has the power to change the human heart, heal a wounded soul, turn hatred into love, and comfort the grieving. The only way this takes place is TOGETHER.

We are called to live out our faith in community, embodying Christ's love in how we relate to each other. This vision of unity and shared purpose challenges us to move beyond just our own individual concerns and embrace a collective mission.

As we journey together, remember we are not alone. We are part of a family, united by our faith in Jesus. Let us keep growing in love, supporting each other, and working side-by-side to fulfill God's purpose for His church. In doing so, we will reflect the beauty of His design and bring His love to a world that desperately needs hope and healing.


  • How does understanding the church as a family change the way you view your role within it? 

  • In what way does it shape your sense of responsibility towards others?

Further Practice 

If you are interested in furthering today’s practice, write on a sticky note or index card the word TOGETHER  on one side and today’s verses on the other. Then, put this somewhere visible like a bedroom mirror, the refrigerator, or the dash of your car. Every time you see the note, stop and spend a moment to consider how you are pursuing togetherness in your relationships. 


Heavenly Father, thank you for calling us into Your family and uniting us through Christ. Help us to grow in love and move towards one another, reflecting Your image together. Strengthen our unity and commitment to each other, so we can be a living expression of Your love to a world in need. Amen.

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