Care: Looking Below The Surface
The expression of our lives flows from the condition of our hearts. What gets formed on the inside eventually expresses itself on the outside. We all experience times when our actions and words don't align with what we believe or who we are. It catches us off-guard, and we wonder, "Where did that come from?"
By addressing only our behavior in these moments, we ignore the more significant issue – our souls. By focusing on what's happening around us (circumstances), we lose sight of what's happening inside us (character). If we want to align ourselves with God's heart, we must possess the courage to ask God to search our own. Reflection enables us to expose what lies below the surface. Caring for our souls, and those of others, starts with a simple yet highly vulnerable question: God, what do you see in me?
Our efforts alone will never lead to lasting character and a transformed heart. Everything flows from our walk with God. It impacts our relationships, influences our emotions, shapes our responses, and affects how we see the world and our part in it. Perspective resides in God's presence. We learn the most about ourselves when we stand in awe of Him. God promises that when we pursue Him, we will find Him. It's a daily, sometimes moment-by-moment, reminder that there are areas of our heart – and circumstances that we face – that need an encounter with God's love, grace, and wisdom.
The purpose of caring for our hearts is more profound than just our well-being; it has implications for those around us. We can't give away Christ's love if we haven't received it first. Christ calls for our joy to overflow and spill out of us for the benefit of others, but we can't serve and care for the needs of others when we're running on empty. To steward our influence and respond to the needs around us, we must be aware of God's work in our individual lives. Caring for others begins by looking inward.
Read the passages below, sit with them in silence, meditate on their truths, circle words or phrases that speak to you. Then, try to rewrite them in your own words.
Proverbs 4:23 (The Message)
Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts.
Proverbs 27:19 (New International Version)
As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart.
Spend some time reflecting on the following questions:
How would you describe the current condition of your heart? What do your actions, thoughts, and words actually reveal about your heart?
What is the dominant emotion you are feeling right now? How is this emotion displayed in your actions and words? Why is this specific emotion overpowering others, and what is fueling its power?
What personal insecurities are creating instability in your life? How can your identity in Christ provide perspective in this area?
What parts of your heart or life are you reluctant to seek God's wisdom and insight? What drives this hesitation? What would it look like to pursue God while dealing with these issues?