
“For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only that, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons and daughters, the redemption of our body. For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees?” Romans 8:22-24


Longings. We all have them. They come in countless shapes, sizes, and pursuits. We may long for growing careers, bigger houses, newer cars, better relationships, healthier bodies, and anything else we can think of to add to the endless list. 

I love to ask people about their longings and see what may be beyond their surface. But an even better question I like to ask is, where did those longings come from?

Some of us might have to truly dig deep and may even be a little embarrassed to admit where our longings come from. They usually reflect what we see and what we experience from others. They might reflect a goal and perhaps potentially dangerous motives. Regardless, at the end of the day, our longings determine our decisions and pathways.

As a child of God, my longing mirrors what Paul described in our verses today. One of the most important and powerful realities of being a Christ-follower is that we are children of God. Out of all the roles we can step into every day, being a child of God is the most important. 

Why is this? Because this is the longing of our hearts.

Everything changed for humanity when Jesus died on a cross and came back to life. Our sins are forgiven and the new life we have in Jesus are absolute game-changers. You and I don’t have to walk through life as spiritual orphans; as Christ-followers, our adoption is sealed and promised with our Heavenly Father.

Paul gives us one of those classics, “now and to come” promises from God. We have a Spirit dwelling within us that marks us as children of the King of kings and Lord of lords. We live each moment with the authority and love of God. And yet, there is a future promise for our adoption: seeing Jesus face-to-face. Our adoption has sealed our fate to be with our Father one day. One day we will be with God for eternity and with an unhindered relationship. We will fully be His, and He will fully be ours.

So, in the tough seasons, when we feel as though life is unfair, may we lean into this promise. In our seasons of blessings and thriving, may we still lean into this promise. Our Father loves us, cares for us, is proud of us, and thinks the world of us. Our longings are reminders that the best is yet to come as a Child of God. We get a glimpse every day of our Father, and one day, we will see Him fully.


●      What are your longings? Where do they come from?

●      How does your longing to see your Father shape your day?


Father, You took out every obstacle that kept us separated. The cost of redemption was too much for any human to pay, but Your love would not be stopped. Sending Your Son to die on a cross and raising Him from the dead to give us new life was more than we could ever fathom. Yet, here I am, adopted into Your family. I pray that my adoption shapes how I live every day. May it spur me on knowing that my hope will not be disappointed, and I will be with You one day. I love You Father and pray this in Your incredible name, amen. 

Port City writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.

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