Let’s Handle This

So I say, walk by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the spirit, you are not under the law. Galatians 5:16-18 


I suffered from the Holy Trifecta of teasing in 6th grade. My nickname was Jellyroll due to my hefty frame. In addition, I had a mouth full of braces, a peach fuzz mustache, and thick glasses. The cherry on top for my tormentors was my dad, who worked as the K-Mart manager in our town. They had so much fodder for teasing that they rarely brought up the turtlenecks or sweater vests my mom forced me to wear. 

Eventually, their constant taunts and ridicule got to me. Finally, I reached my breaking point and said, "Enough is enough... let's handle this at lunch!" And out there on the playground, I duked it out and had my first and only fight. We grappled back and forth, threw a few punches, and wrestled on the ground until the vice-principal broke it up.  

That battle might have ended, but there is another, more dangerous conflict occurring within all of us. The bullies that are our flesh and old nature attempt to take our spirit by having us question our new identity in Christ. It's a vicious, constant, and unrelenting battle. What hangs in the balance is who gets to lay claim to our hearts, and that's why we must come out swinging. 

We get a front-row seat to our flesh and spirit butting heads daily. A disagreement with a friend or family member breaks out, and the flesh comes out swinging and shouting, "Let them have it! Fly off the handle! They hurt you...hurt them back!" The spirit gets a reverse punch by reminding us to love, forgive, and fight for understanding. 

Then there are moments when loneliness, emptiness, and discouragement take over. Our flesh attempts to get the upper hand by enticing us to look to idols like food, drink, material possessions, and lust to numb the pain. It wants us to indulge and give in. The spirit throws a body blow by warning us that these things will never satisfy.

And, when our flesh has us against the ropes, it pushes even harder, looking for the knockout. We give in to temptation – our words and actions don't reflect our beliefs. Our flesh hovers over us while we're down on the mat and taunts us by telling us to throw in the towel. We're already defeated, so we should give up. Instead, the spirit starts to turn the tide of the fight by pushing back against the shame, guilt, and condemnation we feel. He gives us time to get up, dust ourselves off, and try again by focusing on Christ and the forgiveness, grace, and mercy He extends to us.

Rather than be discouraged by the battle, we should take heart. Signs of a struggle strongly indicate that the spirit is at work within us. Christ has already declared us victorious, but we still have to fight. We walk in the spirit when we walk in His ways and depend on Him. Then, we move forward in the power that only Christ provides.


  • Where are your flesh and spirit waging war against each other?

  • How can you stay engaged in the fight by walking in the spirit?


God, You have won the war, but I face battles for my heart daily. I will remember that I have no obligation to listen or respond to my flesh. Instead, I will tune my ears to Your Spirit and allow it to guide and direct my steps. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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A Sudden Jolt


Mr. Taylor