Let the Word Dwell
Welcome to our "Finding Fullness" devotional series, a transformative two-week journey where we'll delve into the heart of the abundant life that Christ offers us. During our time together, we'll explore a collection of scriptures illuminating the path to embracing Christ's love, grace, and purpose. As Christ's followers, it's essential we not only understand these foundational truths intellectually but also trust them in our hearts and live them out in our daily lives.
Today, we’ll focus on our pursuit of wisdom and the immense value of studying Scripture. To grasp God's heart, it's essential to understand it. The Bible is the lens through which we can truly comprehend His character and ways. It's a collective story leading us to a compelling Jesus. Everything contained in its pages points to Him - His love, His pursuit of us, and the promise of redemption that runs through its pages. With this in mind, I invite you to read Colossians 3:16. As you do, pay attention and note any words, phrases, or themes that stand out to you.
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16
In this beautiful verse, we're urged to let the word of Christ take up residence within us, like a cherished guest, in our hearts and minds. But it's not just a passive invitation; it's an active call to action that can profoundly transform our lives. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly..." Think about that for a moment. It's not about skimming the surface of Scripture but allowing it to permeate the depths of our being. It's an open invitation for us to engage with Christ's profound teachings, meditate on His words, and let them shape our thoughts, decisions, and attitudes.
In Psalm 34, the author urges us to "taste and see that the Lord is good" - an offering to discover and explore. As we approach Scripture, God welcomes our curiosity and encourages us to bring our doubts and hesitations but humility must be displayed. To truly accept this invitation to taste and see, we must be open to the idea that the picture we hold about life, faith, and even God himself might be wrong. A willingness to discover is the only way God's truth can change our hearts. There's an inherent vulnerability required on our part, especially when one considers the implications of Hebrews 4:
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:12-13
The Bible is like a compass, pointing us unfailingly to Jesus. Everything within its pages directs our attention to Him. Jesus is the embodiment of God's heart for humanity. When we encounter this truth within the Scriptures, it evokes responses—joy, obedience, confession—that transform us. This isn't about mere intellectual engagement; it's a personal journey of communion.
As we engage with the words on these pages, we don't just learn about Christ; we discover ourselves in the process. The Bible isn't just something we read; it reads us. That's why approaching it in isolation or relying solely on our perspective falls short. God designed it to be a shared experience, driven by the Holy Spirit and submitted to the lordship of Jesus. Our uniqueness as a community stands out when we let the Scriptures mold and shape us as we explore its depths together.
Take a moment and consider:
What does it mean that "we read Scripture, but Scripture also reads us"? How does this level of vulnerability and transparency leave you feeling?
How have you caught glimpses of the state of your soul, heart, and emotions when meditating on Scripture?
As we wrap up our time of reflection, we invite you to engage in a brief exercise that can infuse your entire day with meaning. Take a moment to select a Scripture passage—one that resonates with you, speaks to your heart, or captures your attention.
Once you've chosen the Scripture, write it down or make a digital note. Keep it accessible throughout your day, perhaps as a bookmark in your planner, a screen saver on your device, or a post-it note on the fridge or cubicle. Let that Scripture dwell in you richly throughout your day by meditating on it, reading it over again, and consider its meaning.
Close your time with this prayer:
God, may we trust Your Word, Lord, to work and move in us so that we may know You more. As we read Scripture, help us see Your grace, love, and forgiveness and how encountering You should shape everything about us. Expose our eyes to Your heart while shining light on the condition of our own. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.