Keeping Curious

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3


You don't need to trust anyone if you think you have everything under control. But, here's the thing about control - it's an illusion at best. The only predictable thing about living in this world is its unpredictability. No matter how much effort we put into letting our control freak nature determine every facet of our life, we've already lost. It only takes a small gust of wind for our feeble house of cards to come crashing down and for us to come face-to-face with the reality that there is only one God and we are not Him.

Our response to life's uncertainties, and the inevitable adversity, can push us to look toward God and His Word. Yet, we must get gut-level honest about our reasoning for doing so. If we're not careful, we'll use the Bible to find answers rather than relate to God. 

Certainty is the enemy of faith. In the face of uncertainty, our default mindset is "tell me what to do, and I'll do it." Living this way promotes excuses and prevents ownership. We love formulas because they establish predictable and controllable outcomes. You don't need any faith to take the first step when you can see ten steps down the path. Faith requires uncertainty.

Discovery keeps us curious about the future and engaged in the process, even when the desired results don't come right away. Faith is the heart set by which our experience catches up with reality. Each step of faith we take provides us with an opportunity to discover things about God we didn't know before. The foundation of a relationship isn't our behavior but trust.

Committing our ways to God makes room for our struggle, doubts, and questions. When we embrace faith, we make good mistakes and fail in the right direction. Discovery breaks our tendency to control and execute by pushing us to trust and obey. We need to stop living according to our plans and embrace the process of discovery to know God more. When we put ourselves in situations where we collide with God's truth and allow it to shape our hearts, transformation can't help but take place. 


  • Are there any situations in your life where you are doing everything to control the outcome? Why are you fighting for control in this area? What makes you reluctant to let go and trust?


God, may I never stop growing and pursuing Your heart. Help me to realize that it is only through discovery that I can exhibit faith. Rather than attempting to control all my circumstances, give me the courage to do what I can and trust You with the rest. When I am fighting for control, open my eyes to what You are teaching me and want me to understand. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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