In the Stillness


“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10



This is how I have felt over the last couple of months. What’s crazy is none of it can be seen on the surface. Aside from the basketball court, I’ve been breathing normally. But in the places people cannot see, my heart and mind, I’ve been breathless trying to run harder every day. 

Being breathless in your heart and mind takes a while to manifest. You might begin to feel more impatient, more frustrated, more tired, and more distracted. We are encouraged, if not demanded, by the world to run harder and faster, either to keep up or to beat everyone else in the race of life. Yet, the finish line moves further and further away. So, we keep running and we live breathless. Our lives have no greater purpose than the race. 

At some point in late July, I got a sense of a simple phrase that began to work within my heart:

Just breathe. 

I stopped running for a moment and stood still. I let the world go on. I took my eyes off the things bringing me stress and I stood in the uncomfortable stillness. And I found breath.

With this breath, I stayed in the stillness instead of launching myself into the next race. In the stillness, I heard the sweet and tender reminders of my Father. A Father who reminds me to throw my burdens on Him. A Father who reminds me that He dresses lilies and knows sparrows by name, so I do not have to be anxious. A Father who reminds me that the breath I breathe is from Him, and it has a far greater purpose than the races of the world. A Father who reminds me that I am loved perfectly and completely. A Father who wants me to be with Him more than do for Him. 

Most of the time, only the first section of this verse is quoted. We put it on our walls and throw them on a pillow and remind ourselves the importance of stillness and knowing God. But the second half of this verse is what makes it so incredible. When both parts of this verse are read together, it reveals that God will be exalted among the nations and on the earth when we are still and come to know Him. We often believe it is the opposite: the more and bigger we do for God, the more He will be known. 

But God does not need more and bigger to be made known. He needs people who know Him. The only way we know Him is by spending time with Him. Have you ever had a great conversation with someone when you are too busy trying to run harder? Me either. But I get to know people well when I am still and focused on them. 

When we find stillness, we find God. We hear Him reminding us of His promises that bring relief to our lungs. He reminds us that every breath is an investment. You and I are given a certain amount of breath for this life, and it would be unfortunate for it to run out and all we have invested in is the races of this world. 

When our breath is invested in exalting our Father who loves us, we do not find ourselves running around breathless. Rather, we find ourselves right where we need to be, in the secure and glorious presence of our Papa.


  • Are you caught up in the many races of this life?

  • Make a schedule for times of stillness, and then build everything else around it. Allow those stillness times to be opportunities to hear and be loved by your Father in Heaven. 


Father, thank you the stillness. When life is relentless and I am pushed to be breathless, help me to remember that You are in the stillness. In the stillness, You affirm who I am and who You are. I pray my life exalts You to the nations and the world because I know You and I am with You. I ask all of this in Your mighty name, Amen.

Port City writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.

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