In Our Darkest Moments


I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37


Tough seasons of life come with the territory of living in a fallen world. At one time or another, we all face adversity, tragedy, difficulty, or strife. Overwhelmed and disheartened, life can feel as if darkness surrounds us. Darkness is anything that hides or conceals light and keeps us stumbling through our days. The blindness of night becomes fertile ground for fear to grow and uncertainty to wreak havoc on our emotions. Darkness eclipses joy and prevents us from seeing any hope in our situation.

Yet this same ground, this darkness of night, is where faith finds its real strength. We demand answers and rescue. While we want to find our way out of the dark, God desires to walk with us through it. Why? Because He cares more about our hearts than our circumstances.

It's in our darkest moments where His light has the potential to shine the brightest, but it requires us to remain in Him. By embracing the darkness, God transforms our character and deepens our dependency on Him. He illuminates our path enough for us to trust and take our next step. We experience the power of hope, as light rises among the threatening darkness.

Hope resides in a patient waiting, not hurried solutions. Displaying spiritual endurance is possible when we view redemption as a promise. We display a relentless trust that God uses everything, even the darkness, for our good. He is the author and perfecter of our story. We belong to God as His children, reconciled in Christ and led by the Spirit. The fullness of this relationship will become revealed over time. 

Unfortunately, we often thwart embracing this transformation because we're too preoccupied with comparing our struggles to those around us. We measure our difficult circumstances through the lens of what others face. We come out on the other side of this dangerous train of thought, seeing ourselves as either a hopeless victim or a whiner. 

When we perceive our situation as direr than most, we spiral into despair and feel the world is against us. However, if we stack up our concerns against the plight of those who are "really struggling," we view what we face as insignificant and begin to downplay and disregard our issues. 

Both approaches stand in stark contrast to today's verse, where the Apostle Paul calls us to compare our struggles not against those around us, but to the transformation that takes place within us. He encourages us to embrace the tension, to feel it, to ponder it. We engage in this way, not so our struggles define us, weigh us down, or destroy us. But, so we can give our struggles the proper weight for the sake of what's to come.  

Formation doesn't come in a hurry; neither does it arise without pain. Endurance in the struggle leads to maturity. Perseverance is how we grow in Christlikeness. Hope is what sustains this process and provides us the strength to not give in or give up.

Hope is much more than wishful thinking; it is a patient endurance that builds our faith, forms our character, and strengthens our resolve to hold fast and onto trust. Hope clears the fog enough to continue - knowing that later on, what God is doing will be revealed in all of its beauty and splendor. We are more than conquerors in all of these things. Even though we're affected by suffering, because of Christ, our struggles never get the last word.  


  • Where are you playing the comparison game with the struggles you face?

  • How can you begin to view your struggles as a tool God uses to shape your character and transform your heart?


God, You use everything, including my hardships, to open my eyes to my dependency on You. May I be resilient in times of trouble. Give me the strength to not let the darkness around me influence or diminish the hope that resides within me. In Your name, Jesus. Amen. 

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