I Will Wait
Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; My God will hear me. Micah 7:7 (NKJV)
I have a confession: I am not always the best at waiting.
I’ve driven down I-40, frustrated as all get out because the car in front of me, which also happens to be in the left lane, isn’t going fast enough. I’ve stood in line at the grocery store impatient because I just want to get home. I’ve gotten overwhelmed when I see things happening for others and thought, “Hey! What about me?”
But recently, during those moments of thinking about me, I’ve been hearing God whisper, “wait on Me, daughter.” And let me tell you, that is humbling.
You might think you’ve found the perfect job, but God says, “not this one” when they decide to go with someone else. You might think you’ve found the perfect house, but God says, “not that one” when your offer is rejected. You might be struggling with finances, wondering when you are going to finally catch up and God tells you to keep holding on. You might be feeling like you’ve been praying for the Lord to move in your life – for Him to show you that He’s working on your behalf; still, you see nothing. But may I remind us of “faith”?
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV)
Let’s look at Moses and Joshua. Moses wandered 40 years in the desert after God instructed him to lead His people out of Egypt. Joshua led a march around the walls that protected the City of Jericho for seven days following God’s instruction. For 40 years, Moses waited on the Lord, relying on Him to provide for His people – and He did. For seven days, Joshua followed the Lord’s commands to take the City of Jericho – and He did. Neither Moses nor Joshua actually saw the Lord working during those times of waiting - but He was.
You are not alone in the waiting. Some of God’s beloved chosen people waited decades. Some of God’s beloved chosen people are still waiting. Make no mistake that He is in the waiting.
I’ve been told many times that it’s not so much the destination that matters, but how we get there. The journey we choose to walk with God is what matters. What He does in you and through you is of greater significance to Him. In the waiting, God is doing something inside you that you cannot always see. He is reshaping your heart to become a reflection of His own. He is training your spirit to stop relying on self and to start relying on Him. He is conditioning your whole being to run with Him.
…and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 (NKJV)
Where are you today – a desert, marching around and around, or are you already running the race set before you?
What do you believe you have to do to become fully immersed in the waiting with God?
Father God, we acknowledge that You are in the waiting. We know You are working on our behalf and that You have great things for us. You take care of us, even when we don’t see it. Let our hearts continue to be reshaped by You. Train and condition us to run the race set before us with patience and trust in You and You alone, Father. In Your son, Jesus’ name. Amen.
Port City writer Sarah Leitner wrote today's devotional.