“I Cling to You” - Psalm 63 (Day 5)

Happy Friday! Over the past week, we've reflected on the words of David found in Psalm 63. As we walked through this passage together, we witnessed David express his desire for God's presence, provision, and protection. This prayer serves as a declaration of trust and longing for connection with God. What makes David's assertion that God's love is better than life so powerful and profound is that he uttered these words of praise from the thick of the Judean wilderness. David pursued God while his enemies pushed him deeper into isolation. Finding himself spiritually thirsty, David sought replenishment and refreshment in God. During the dark of night, David meditated and reflected on God’s faithfulness and love and what he knew to be true of God’s character. These truths are what David clung to for support, encouragement, and hope. 

I don’t know what emotions you're wrestling with or the circumstances you might be facing as you read these words today.  But, I do know we all come to this devotional carrying something with us. I’m also certain that in the wilderness, we are not alone - He is with us. God invites us to take that weight off our shoulders and let Him carry it.

The words of Psalm 63, this prayer from David, contains both moments of praise and meditations. We can appreciate its contents and insight by reading it. However, we can experience and unlock its powerful truths when we pray along with it, and that’s what we want to do today.  This episode will be intentionally different in its format and flow. As we read a portion of Psalm 63 together (verses 1-8), we will pause at different times to meditate on and pray through those words. 

You, God, are my God, 

Take a moment to meditate on how God has made Himself known to you and the personal connection you feel. Pray and thank God for how He knows you uniquely. 

earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.

Take a moment to meditate on the places where you find yourself spiritually dry. Pray that God would replenish and refresh you with His presence and love. Thank God that He rewards those who seek after Him. 

I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.

Take a moment to meditate on the ways you’ve seen God move in your life and the lives of others. Pray that God would continue to display that power in the circumstances you face. 

Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.

Take a moment to meditate on the different ways God has displayed His lovingkindness to you. Pray that out of this unconditional and overflowing love you would spend your days walking in the freedom it provides.

I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

Take a moment to meditate and consider that every longing finds its fulfillment in Christ. Pray that your life would be an offering of gratitude. 

On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.

Take a moment to meditate on the worries and concerns that occupy your thoughts. Pray that you would keep God at the forefront of your attention to reframe your perspective. 

Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.

Take a moment to meditate on how God displays His strength amid your weakness. Pray that dependency would define the response to your circumstances rather than self-sufficiency. 

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“Bless Us” - Psalm 67 (Day 1)


“The Watches of the Night” - Psalm 63 (Day 4)