I Can’t, But We Can

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10


It's easy to feel overwhelmed by life's challenges and complexities, but the beauty of being part of a community lies in the collective power we possess when we unite our hearts and hands. The mission of reaching people and helping them walk with God is not a solitary endeavor but a shared responsibility that requires the efforts of the entire body of Christ.

Imagine a peaceful pool, its waters undisturbed and tranquil. Suddenly, a few daring individuals begin to swim around the edges, creating ripples that slowly build into waves. As more people join in, the movement grows stronger, and eventually, everyone is swept up in the excitement, carried by the collective momentum. This is the essence of what we're building at Port City Community Church – a culture of unity and shared purpose.

Each of us has been drawn to God and placed within this church for a reason. We are not mere spectators but active participants, each with a unique role to play. When we embrace our calling and use our gifts and talents in service, we move from the sidelines to the forefront, becoming agents of change and vessels of God's love.

The great news is that no one person is expected to carry the weight of the mission alone. We are not called to solve every problem or help every person single-handedly. Instead, we are invited to contribute our part, no matter how small it may seem. For when we come together, our individual contributions merge into a powerful force that amplifies our impact.

Just as the body cannot function properly when one part is disengaged, the church's influence and impact are diminished when members fail to fully participate. God has entrusted us with the responsibility of displaying His love to the world, and each of us plays a critical role in reflecting His image.

Imagine the ripple effect when a few individuals dare to step out and live out the mission of reaching others with God's love. Their actions inspire others to join in, and the ripples grow into waves of transformation, touching lives in our city, surrounding areas, and even reaching the farthest corners of the world.

Every week, people walk through the doors of our church, carrying something broken, hurt, or confused within them. They hope there is more to life than what they are currently experiencing. This isn’t a bad place for one to be in, but sometimes we get stuck there, and without knowing it, we become consumers and not contributors. 

It's time to move from the sidelines and begin to own the mission. Instead of looking at what you get, start looking for ways to contribute. Your mindset will change as you ponder what you can bring to the table to enhance the community you call home.

So, let us embrace a mindset of unity, recognizing that together, we have the capacity to accomplish far more than we could ever imagine on our own. When you feel inadequate or overwhelmed, find strength in the community that surrounds you. For it is in our unity and shared purpose that we can truly say, "I Can't – But We Can!"


  •  It's easy to sit on the sidelines, but Christ calls us to engage. How can you move from a "spectator" mindset to an active participant in fulfilling the church's mission?  

  • We all have God-given abilities to contribute. Spend some time in self-reflection - what are your strengths, skills, and life experiences that could benefit others? What's one practical step you could take to start using your gifts to serve?

Further Practice

Invite someone who knows you well to share the gifts they see in you in a one-on-one conversation. As they affirm the gifts, skills, and areas of strength they recognize in you, notice any themes or patterns. Thank them afterward for taking the time to build you up in this way.


Lord, open our eyes to see the incredible potential in shared ownership. Give us the courage to step out in faith, using our gifts to serve the needs of our community. Knit our hearts together in love and purpose that we may build each other up in love, reach the lost, and make disciples through Your power at work in us. Amen.

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