How Things Move
“Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’” 1 Peter 1:13-16
Have you ever found yourself mirroring the life of someone else? If you want to be a musician, you find a famous musical artist as a role model. As you study that musician, you begin to form your life as a musician around their life. You mimic their forms, training, and style; and suddenly, you are a mini-version of them. This could be in any area of life: teacher, athlete, artist, comedian, business owner, and any other field that exists. Regardless, the journey to mimicking someone else happens one step at a time.
No one can learn and completely change their life overnight. True life change happens one decision at a time, and one step at a time. Since life change happens one step at a time, it requires a ton of patience because there can be a ton of waiting. For those of us who follow Jesus, the idea of walking with Jesus one step at a time is one of the most intimidating calls we have.
A journey one step at a time is uneasy for us because we love the shortcuts and footnotes. We love the pathway that gets us to what we want as quickly as possible, and as easily as possible. But the easiest and quickest way does not mean it is the best way. Jesus spent His life on earth at a pace that would stress us out. If we took life at the pace that Jesus did, we would feel as though our to-do would get even further away from us.
One moment that marks this so well is when Jesus found out about his friend Lazarus who died (John 11). When Jesus was approached about coming to heal a sick Lazarus, Jesus waited two more days! Eventually, Jesus made his way to Lazarus, but Lazarus was dead and had been in his tomb for four days when Jesus arrived. Everyone is thinking the same thought, “If Jesus would have rushed and gotten here quicker, then Lazarus would still be alive!”
Yet, we see that Jesus chose to wait. Jesus still decided to mourn and cry over his friend Lazarus. And Jesus still rose Lazarus from the dead. The reason and motivation behind all Jesus did in this moment was His original response to the guys who brought news about Lazarus, “This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it” (John 11:4).
One of the greatest tensions we can face in this life is that waiting is the best response. Everything within us, and everything in culture, pushes against waiting as well. Yet, the Son of God exercised waiting in His life. Jesus saw waiting as the opportunity for God to show up and reveal Himself to people. When we pay attention to the waiting in Jesus’ life, we see the opportunities He had to reflect His Father. We have that same incredible opportunity.
We can convince ourselves that a step at a time is not enough, but really it is exactly how anything moves. Whether the call is to go 10 steps or 1,000 steps, it all starts with one. One step toward Jesus is one step walking with Jesus. We get to know Jesus more with each step and see the greater purpose and plan He has for us. Our call to wait is to wait and see that He is good, and when we see His goodness we see the beauty in the waiting.
What tension do you feel in the call of waiting? What reasons push you to be uncomfortable in the waiting?
What is the one step you can take each day to walk with Jesus?
Father, thank you for being such an intimate and present Savior. When we rush, we do not get to see the fullness of what is around us, but when we meet You in the waiting, we can see the fullness of who You are. Father, slow our hearts down, help us wrestle with our desire to rush, and give You the opportunity to work in us so that we can see Your glory in each moment. Thank You for who You are, and the example You set for us. We love You Father, and pray in Your holy name, Amen.
PC3 writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.